Halloween Dares Pa' More! (It Was Just Two Dares By Me)

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E1965: Hey guys! I got a dare! (The Thea Sisters approach her) I dare the Thea Sisters to play Affected in Oculus Rift! The person with the lowest heart rate gets to avoid the punishment!

Violet: What's the punishment?

E1965: (Grins evilly) You have to watch Sinister 2 in a dark room.

Violet: There is no way I'll win this game.


Violet: (Traumatized) I'm never playing that again.

E1965: Here are the results of the game! Violet has the highest average heart rate, with an average of 93!

Violet: Told you! I'll get the CD. (Walks to the TV room)

E1965: Second highest is Colette, with an average of 87!

Colette: I guess Mousey Sighs doesn't work when trying to stay calm in playing a horror game. (Sighs) Oh well. (Walks to the kitchen to make popcorn)

E1965: Pam is the third highest, with a heart rate of 85!

Pam: I'll get the iced tea... (Walks to the kitchen to get iced tea)

E1965: Nicky and Paulina are tied, with a heart rate of 83! (Nicky and Paulina high five) For a tiebreaker, you guys have to play FNAF 4! The mouse that plays longer is punishment-free!

Nicky and Paulina: FNaF 4?!?!

Nicky: Uh-uh! NUH-UH!!!

Paulina: I'm not playing that game, and there's no way you can make me!

E1965: (In her thoughts) If you guys don't want to watch Sinister 2, then you'll have to duke it out on the battlefield of FNAF!

Nicky and Paulina: (Both of them look at each other before sighing) Fine. (Both of them walk into their individual rooms to play)


E1965: Paulina is the winner!

Paulina: Sorry Nick.

Nicky: It's fine. (Whispers into Paulina's ear) Just don't tell E about that if she asks. See ya. (Walks into the TV room with Colette, who has four cups of popcorn, and Pam, who has four glasses of iced tea)(Closes the door and starts watching Sinister 2)

Paulina: Anymore dares, E?

E1965: Yeah. I dare you to pull a prank on the other Thea Sisters, hardcore.

Paulina: Hardcore, eh? (Starts dialing on her cellphone)

E1965: Who are you calling?

Paulina: A good friend of mine. (On the phone) Hey, man.

Guy on the phone: Hey, Paulina, what do you need?

Paulina: I need your help with something.

Guy on the phone: A prank?

Paulina: How did you know?

Guy on the phone: You know me, I'm the Trickmaster!

Paulina: This prank is going to be hardcore.

Trickmaster: I have the perfect idea. I'll be there before you can say, "Whazzah!" (Hangs up)

Paulina: (Walks away from the front door) Whazz- (The door opens, and Thea and Trap pop out of it) Well, what,do you know? You're a mouse of your word, Trap.

Trap: Told you I'll be here before you can say "Whazzah." (Laughs)

Thea: Let's do the prank!


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