MaTt On DrUgZ (Not Really)

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Xia: Okay, so lemme get this straight. Jae split E into TWELVE different personalities of herself?!

Matthew: Yup.

Nerdy: Apparently she did, and now we don't know how to turn back to normal.

Xia: Wow. Jae did it this time, huh?

Nerdy: Doubtlessly. It's infuriating indeed. I assume Anger is on a hopeless endeavor to find and strangle Jae to death at this moment, while Courage is trying to perform some research, but to no avail.

Xia: (o_o) Her vocabulary is deeper than usual... okay, then, I can live with this. A-anyway, I came here to give Matt... (Grins evilly) a dare.

Matthew: (Starts sweating nervously) Oh Arceus have mercy...

Xia: Matt, for the punishment of your actions, I... DARE YOU... (Stifles her incoming laugh attacks) to act like a mentally unstable weirdo every time Diancie is within your proximity. (Bursts out laughing with Laughter)

Matthew: (._.) ... Wat.

Nerdy: Laughter! For crying out loud, you're not helping! (Laughter ignores Nerdy as she collapses to the floor laughing)(-_-) Why am I the one no one listens to?

Matthew: W-wait, a-are you serious?!

Xia: Of course I am! You shall pay the price for stealing my plushie away from me!

Matthew: Act like a... No! No no no no no no no! I don't like this dare! (Desperately starts kowtowing before Xia's feet) 夏儿,這懲罰也太苛刻了!求求你,饒了我吧,夏儿!求求你饒了我吧!(Xia, this punishment is too harsh! I beg you, spare me, Xia! Please have mercy on me!)

Xia: (Bursts out laughing because of Matthew's sudden and pitiful begs for mercy) 抱歉,馬特,但這賭你得要做的哦!(Sorry, Matt, but you have to do the dare!)

Matthew: (Remains kneeling on the floor in a daze) No... (Slams headfirst into the floor, and into his misery) Arceus have mercy on me. (Xia laughs again)

Andrew: (Jumps off of the couch and pats Matthew comfortingly on the back) It's okay, Matt. At least things can't get any- (Xia interrupts him)

Xia: Also I forgot to mention that I brought Diancie and Meloetta over for a bit. Say hi, you two!

Meloetta: Hello!

Diancie: Greetings, everyone!

Matthew: Ooh boy, here we go. (Looks at Andrew with a crazed grin on his face) I'm sorry, but were you about to say (Moves his head threateningly close to Andrew's face) "WORSE"???

Andrew: (Nervously looks away with his eyes) Uh... no?

Matthew: No? You sure?!

Andrew: (Laughs nervously) Yep! Definitely not! (Matthew suddenly laughs manically and jumps up to the inner balcony and into his room, laughing all the way like a maniac on drugs)

Diancie: (Worried) Is Sir Matthew okay?

Xia: No, I think he's sick! You should totally see if he's okay!

Diancie: Do you suppose I should?

Andrew: What? No no no no no no no! Matt'll be fine. He just needs a nap after all his stress! He'll walk it off. He'll be fine!

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