First Switched Powers, Now Switched Bodies?! What's Next?!?

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E1965: (Enters the house with a late teenage guy with messy brown hair, a white T-shirt, a strange hump on his back, a crooked wooden staff in hand, grayish pants, and slightly dirty blue shoes) So this is the place. Apologies if it's a tiny bit... messy.

Guy: Oh, it's not even close to messy! It's practically spotless at this point!

E1965: Huh. I guess you don't have an eye for cleanliness as much as I do. The coffee table is a bit dusty, but I'll handle it after I show you around. This is the living room, where we usually hang out, and to the left is the garage, the dining room, and the kitchen. There is a restroom at the first door to the left, and the second door leads to a room we don't use, so you can stay there if you like. Upstairs is the others' rooms, along with mine, which you shouldn't go into, lest I give you the permit. (Mutters to herself) Which will seldom happen... (Back to the guy) Anyway, the attic isn't used that much, so it's another choice for you to use as a place of your own. The rooms you'll find on either side are the music room to the left, and the storage room to the right.

Guy: So what about the "others" you've been referring to so much?

E1965: You'll get to meet them in a bit.

Guy: By the way, is it okay if I...?

E1965: Oh, sure thing, Ezra. No one would mind, so long as you don't molt in the living room.

Ezra: (Sighs in relief) Thanks. (The hump on his back splits and passes through two inconspicuous slits in his shirt, to reveal two brown-and-white (outside-in) eagle wings with a span of around eleven feet)(Stretches his wings) Phew! These things have been cramped in my shirt long enough to give them cramps!

E1965: (Chuckles) Guess having wings is a hassle, huh?

Ezra: Oh don't get me started on how to clean these things in the shower! I have to use an old-timey wooden tub for my bath!

E1965: Oh well. Just promise me one thing when you meet the others.

Ezra: What?

E1965: That you won't freak out.

Ezra: Uhh... alright... why would I freak out?

E1965: (Laughs a little nervously) He is so innocent, he has no clue that there are talking anthropomorphic animals in this house... You'll figure it out.

Matthew: (Walks out of his room, yawning, and with a sleeping Andrew on his head) *YAAAAAAAWWWWWNNN* What a night! I think my back is sore from all my work yesterday!

Ezra: (Stumbles in shock from the sight of a walking, talking dog) HOLY MACKEREL WHAT?!?!?!

E1965: See what I mean?

Matthew: (Looks down, to find Ezra) Uh, E, what's a guy with wings doing down there?

E1965: Oh, Matt, this is Ezra. He's the newest guardian. Ezra, this is Matthew, a Lucario from Sinnoh and a good dog and guardian.

Matthew: (-_-) It's jackal, E.

E1965: Almost the same thing.

Matthew: (-_-) Ughhh...

Ezra: A-anyway, nice hat you got there.

Matthew: ... (His ears droop in confusion) I beg your pardon?

Ezra: Th-the penguin-shaped hat on your head.

Matthew: (Looks up) Oh, this is not a hat.

Ezra: It's not? I could swear, it's- (Andrew stirs a little) Oh man, it's moving. It's moving. It's moving. It'smovingitsmovingitsmovingitsmoving--

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