Annoying a Blue-Obsessed Half-Blood ASMR

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E1965: (Opens the door, and she and Jae enter the house) We're back!

Violet: Where have you two been? It's been hours!

Jae: Oh, we forgot to tell you. The trip back home took a little longer than it was supposed to be. (Suddenly starts chortling)

Nicky: Jae, you okay?

Lapis and Gunter: (From E1965's room) NOOOOOOOO!!!!

E1965: (Runs to her room, to find Gunter and Lapis watching the Scooby Doo! series) What happened?

Gunter: Mystery Incorporated is dead! (He and Lapis start crying hysterically)

E1965: (O_e) Uh... I-I-I'll go back to you later... (Awkwardly closes the door)

Jae: What were they doing? And why were they crying like babies?

E1965: They were watching the last Scooby Doo! Season 1 episode, and it hit them in their soft sides.

Jae: Is it the one where Fred Sr. gets arrested, and Fred Jr. tells Daphne that the engagement is off, and Mystery Inc. is dead?

E1965: Yep, that's the one. I still can't believe that Shaggy is going to a flipping military school! He can't even stand on his own against a monster.

Jae: Yeah, he'll be slaughtered. Why are the Rogers so inconsiderate? And now it makes sense why Fred Sr. was so inconsiderate about monster sightings. How was he voted mayor?

E1965: My point exactly. Now why were you laughing earlier?

Jae: (Points at E1965 dramatically) E, I got a dare for you!

Violet: Let's hear it!

Jae: E, I dare you to go to New York and scream "Blue Food SUCKS" at the top of your lungs!

Violet: (Bursts out laughing) Good one, Jae!

E1965: What's this about blue food?

Jae: Percy Jackson loves blue food, and he lives in the Big Apple! (Turns to Violet) Wait, Vi, how do you know this?

Violet: (Calms down) You're talking to the (Points at herself) literature expert here.

Jae: (Rolls her eyes) Makes sense.

E1965: Before we go, (O_e)I might have to have a little chat with Gunter and Lapis. (A German-ish accented voice booms out)

Voice: Don't worry, E. I'll help you. (Professor Pericles from the Scooby Doo! series flies into the room and alights on E1965's shoulder)

E1965: Pericles. Didn't expect you to come here.

Pericles: I was just passing by. No need to thank me.


E1965: (Shrugs) Yeah, why?

Jae: That is so...

Violet and Jae: Cool!

Pericles: (Looks at the Thea Sisters) So this is the mystery-hunting crew E told me about. I thought that after Mystery Inc. disbanded, I was on my own, and it was over for Mystery Incorporated. But that didn't mean I stopped watching over them. And it turns out, Shaggy is doing quite well in military training, and Scooby escaped from the farm before he even got there. He's now looking for Velma and Fred, depending on who he finds first, of course.

Jae: Whoa.

E1965: Gotta go, guys. (Walks to her room with Pericles and starts talking to Gunter and Lapis, who are still crying like they experienced severe trauma)

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