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*Memory Sequence starts*

E1965: (Enters Lillian's room, to find Lillian still upset about Frisk) Hey, Lillian. I figured you were still here. (Lillian remains silent)(Sighs and sits down beside Lillian on her bed) Look. I know we were told that we are too late to save them, but I still have hope that Frisk is still alive and well. I don't know for sure, but I believe she's still out there.

Lillian: (After a VERY long span of silence) How do you know for sure?

E1965: Even though this is the timeline where Frisk is a pacifist, they're still a tough person. Come on. Xia gave us a dare to cheer you up.

Lillian: (After a pause) Alright... I guess a dare never hurt anyone.

E1965: Oh, how I wish that was true. Come on! (She and Lillian walk downstairs and to the kitchen) Ready!

Nicky: I can't believe you talked me into this.

Jae: What? It's going to be fun, at least!

Xia: Yeah! I didn't come up with this awesome dare for nothing!

Nicky: But we might suffer salmonella poisoning from the ingredients!

Xia: (Waves a hand dismissively)(Nonchalantly) Yeah, but I wouldn't worry about that.


E1965: Nick, chill. You're a guardian. If you are going to suffer salmonella poisoning, you just have to throw up and you'll be fine again.

Nicky: Why don't you just put an ice cube in my underpa— (Suddenly jumps up and down frantically while holding her pant waistline) OH, MAMA!!! VI, I DIDN'T MEAN LITERALLY PUT ICE CUBES IN MY UNDERWEAR!! (E1965, Xia, Lillian, Jae, and Violet burst out laughing)

*Vi has perfect comedic timing*

Xia: (Stops her blender) Mine is ready!

Nicky: (Sticks her tongue out disgustedly) Yeah. Mine too.

E1965: ........ Is it just me, or did Xia and Jae get all good ingredients in their smoothies?


Nicky: (Takes a sip of Lillian's smoothie and recoils in disgust) UGH!!! THAT IS THE MOST DISGUSTING THING I'VE EVER TASTED!!!

Lillian: Easy for you to say. (Drinks Xia's smoothie) This is delicious!

E1965: Yup! (Slurps down Jae's smoothie) This tastes like a cocktail with... pineapple, orange, apples, and avocado. (Takes another sip) With a touch of lychees. I'd rather go without the lychees, honestly.

Jae: (Cover her nose while sipping E1965's smoothie) THIS. IS. THE WORST SMOOTHIE. I'VE EVER TASTED. (Looks at the smoothie) WHAT IS IN THIS STUFF, ANYWAY?!?!?!

E1965: (Casually) Oh, nothing much. (Snickers) A slice of tuna, some corn kernels, a bit of onion...

Xia: (Sticks her tongue out in disgust) NEVER. AGAIN. IN MY WHOLE LIFE.

E1965: Heh, I'll keep challenging you for the next twenty-five years. (Xia buries her head in the table and screams internally)(Chuckles)


E1965: Guys! We got a visitor!

Violet: Who?

E1965: Hiccup and Hail! (Hiccup and Hail (Xia's HTTYD OC) enter the room)

Hiccup: Hey, guys.

Violet: Hey, Hiccup. You sure you're not busy back at Berk? I heard there was a Snoggletog festival there.

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