Confessions (Of a Chocoholic)

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Jae: Violet! I got a dare for you! (Violet approaches Jae)

Violet: I hope it's not something insane like last time.

Jae: Nothing like that. I dare you to confess to Elsa that you stole her chocolates!

Violet: That's better.

Two minutes later...

Violet: (Calls Elsa)(Disguises her voice (again)) Missed me, Elsa?

Elsa: Seriously, who the flip is this?

Violet: You'll find out. Two o' clock. Arendelle cemetery. See you there. (Hangs up)

Elsa: (Hangs up)(To Jack) Jack, I'm going out for a while! (Runs out of the door)

Later, at the cemetery...

                  Violet arrives first, wearing a conical hat for disguise. All she has to do now is wait for Elsa.

Violet: (Watches Elsa approach her)(In her disguised voice) You arrived. I thought you wouldn't take my call that seriously.

Elsa: I always take chocolate seriously. Are you the one who took them?

Violet: If I didn't, then I wouldn't have come here. (Holds up a small cup of chocolate sundae) This ought to be the last of the chocolate I took from you.

Elsa: You still owe me a lot for the chocolate.

Violet: (Watches the snowball Elsa is hiding behind her back) You really want it that badly, huh? (Removes the hat, and reverts back to her normal voice) Catch me if you can, Elsa!

Elsa: Violet! (Violet rapidly jumps on the tall tombstones, while Elsa tries to hit her with a blast of ice) Come back here, you sneaky chocolate thief!

Violet: (While jumping from tombstone to tombstone) You sure? Because if you want this sundae, then you'll have to get me first! (Fires a jet of water to intercept a blast of ice)(Jumps into the portal she used to enter Arendelle, with Elsa right behind her)(To everyone in the house) Get in position, everyone! It's mannequin challenge time! (Everyone else positions themselves (Jae dared everyone to do the mannequin challenge, and Violet decided to do it as a prank for Elsa))(To Elsa, who had just gone through the portal) You still want the sundae? (Elsa responds by firing an ice blast at Violet)(The blast vaporizes suddenly, covering the room in mist)

Elsa: Whaaa? (The mist fades, revealing everyone else doing the mannequin challenge with music (Below the Surface) Jae arranged) What the flip is going on here?! (Something suddenly tackles her and knocks her back into the portal) AAH!!!

The next day...

Jae: Violet, E! I got a dare for you two!

E1965 and Violet: What is it.

Jae: I dare both of you to watch Nyan Cat for ten hours!

E1965 and Violet: What?!

E1965: You know how insanely boring that is right?!

Julianna: Yup, and that's why it's a dare!

Violet: Now, why didn't I think of that?

Jae: Also, E, it's been (Starts singing the line from Frozen) "for the first time in forever," someone actually said "seriously" with you simultaneously.

E1965: I know! You don't have to tell me!

Ten hours later...

Violet: That was what I call "INSANE"!!

E1965: You're telling me! I think I'm blind! I can barely see anything but the dang CAT!

Violet: I can't get the jingle out of my head!

Jae: (Ghastly) Ready for more dares?!

E1965: ...... Crack.

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