Party Highlights

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                          It's the start of a bright, new day, and E1965 has returned from her home.

E1965: (Teleports into the room) Guys, I'm back!

Matthew: Oh, hey, E! How was your time at home?

E1965: Kinda weird but funny at the same time.

Andrew: Really? Tell us about it!

E1965: Alright, but make sure you're not drinking any water, otherwise you'll spit the stuff right out through your nose!

Andrew: (Shrugs) I've got no water on me, so fire away!

Matthew: Yeah, me neither.

E1965: Okay, then! It starts on Thursday, at around 2:20 in the afternoon...

*Memory Sequence starts*

                          "I was busy on a little bit of a project at recess, when Xia suddenly comes along and almost shoves a chunk of apple into my mouth."

Xia: (Pokes E1965 in the left side of her teeth) E, eat this.

E1965: (Notices Xia, and is caught by surprise because of the apple) What the heck?

Xia: I didn't bite into it. I promise.

E1965: Xia, wha- (Xia interrupts her)

Xia: Just eat it!

E1965: Okayy... (Sinks her left canine (as in the "fang") tooth into the corner of the apple facing her, and Xia suddenly starts screaming and laughing)(Immediately drops the apple into her hand) Xia, what the heck?!

Xia: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHOHMYGOSHEYOUARESOCUTE!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! (Walks out of the classroom laughing like the Joker)

E1965: Xia, what??? (Turns to Jae, who came along with Xia) Jae, what was that about? (Jae shrugs) What...? Did Xia just call me... cute...? Oh, crud, it's one of those moments, isn't it? Why do I end up doing things that inadvertently make me look cute??? Ugh... this is a nuisance. (Awkwardly turns back to doing her thing while eating that little chunk of apple Xia gave her)

                          "It was really weird, but hey. Xia does tend to do weird stuff like that on very random occasions, so I let that slide, and after one extra day of vacation from school (APPARENTLY they're having an education convention on Friday), I went to the Manila branch of Four Seasons, because it was one of my aunts' birthdays. After my dad finally got a parking space for the car (in MOA, because FS's parking lot was FULL in capital letters), he came to join us in the restaurant, and soon my other relatives started coming in. My mom soon became a meme generator with her siblings in law."

Anne: (To Aunt D, who is wearing a loose, short-sleeved, blue-and-white striped shirt and pale blue shorts) Oy, Lola (it's a running gag in the family for my mom to call Aunt D and Uncle A lola and lolo for an odd reason. Something about payback after Uncle A called my mom lola), pumunta ka ba dito para mabgbenta ng lobo? (Oy, Grandma, did you come here to sell balloons?)(She and Aunt D burst out laughing)

E1965: (Perks up at the word lobo, or balloon) Wait, what? (Notices Anne and Aunt D laughing like crazy) Mom... what?

Mom: (In between laughs) Nothing, *my real name*. Your auntie D just looks like a balloon vendor, so I asked her if she came here to sell balloons! (Laughs even more)

E1965: (Looks at Aunt D's outfit) Oh! (Bursts out laughing)

A few minutes later...

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