While E's Getting Slaughtered Out There...

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Violet: Hey, guys! So, E's gonna be a bit... unavailable, along with Matt, for a chapter or two. So, just give us dares, but you might have to wait for the next chapter to come out if the dare's for E and Matt. Yeah. They still haven't come back from stealing Xia's Bendy plushie, and they're probably... I don't know, running for their lives, I guess?

In Yunaito...


E1965: (Yells behind her back) OH YEAH?!?! WELL, COME AND GET IT, XIA!!!! (She and Matthew run faster)

Xia: OH, IT IS ON!!!

Back at E's house...

Violet: So... any dares?

Paulina: Hey, Vi, have you seen my laptop?

Violet: No, why?

Paulina: I'm planning on sending Xia something, but I can't find it anywhere.

Violet: You might wanna look for it then wait for a few days. I'm guessing that Xia won't see that for a while.

Paulina: Oh.

Five hours later...

Paulina: (Holds her laptop in her hands) Found it!

Violet: Great! Where did you find it?

Paulina: (Sits next to Violet and boots up her laptop) The music room. How did it even get there, anyway?

Violet: (Shrugs) Beats me. (Manipulates the water in her cup to come out of the cup and make a screen in front of Violet)

Paulina: What's up?

Violet: (Creates a crane made of blue ice and sends it to Yunaito via portal) I have a feeling there's a wild goose chase going on there, even until now. You know how crazy Xia can get when it comes to her fangirling. (Taps her finger on the screen, and the screen projects a scene in Yunaito from above, where Xia is chasing E1965 and Matthew all around the streets of Yunaito)(Snickers) Just as I thought.

Paulina: (Points at a black figure hovering close behind E1965 and Matthew) What's Reaper doing there?

Violet: (Stifles her laughs) I think he's ready to collect E and Matt's souls.

Paulina: Should we help them?

Violet: Nah, they'll be fine.

In Yunaito...


Reaper (Reapertale Sans): Nah, it's my job to make sure I don't leave any soul behind. Besides, I see a very grim future in line for both of you. You can't avoid it, y'know.

Matthew: Fine. Can you at least not tell Xia about anything we might be planning out loud?

Reaper: You got it! Right now, I'm just spectatin'. Watchin' you and your trouble. So, tibia honest, I'm not gonna be doin' anything. Gotta save my energy for a skeleton of work, you know.

E1965: Good. (Comes up closer to Matthew and hands him Xia's Bendy plushie) Matt, take it!

Matthew: Wait, what?!

E1965: We have to split up! Xia knows that I have the plushie! I can divert Xia's attention from the plushie by giving it to you! Just make sure you don't drop it!

Matthew: Okay! Put it in my pocket! (E1965 tucks the plushie safe in Matthew's "pocket")

E1965: Now, split up! (Both of them turn in opposite directions at the next four-way intersection)

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