What Happened at E's House

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E1965: (Barges into the living room, only to find Gunter, his kitty, and Violet there, playing Card Wars) Hey guys! You will not believe what we did in my Katavan house!

Gunter: Wenk! (Spill away!) Wenk? (What did you guys do last Saturday?)

E1965: I'll tell you!

*Memory Sequence starts* (Quotation marks will indicate my narration.)

       "It wasn't like any other day. I was visiting home, and I was waiting for my friends to come over for my birthday. The hours seemed to crawl on for days. One hour passed after the other like a snail. Eventually, my yaya (caretaker) talked me into having lunch while waiting for them. I was about to walk to the dining table, when my other yaya told me that Jae had arrived. (Really, Jae? The second I am about to eat lunch?)

Merlyn (my second yaya): Dito na siya! (She's here!)

E1965: Talaga? (Really?) Ngayon? (Now?)

Merlyn: Si Jae di'ba? (Jae, right?)

E1965: Oo! (Yeah!)(Brisk walks down the stairs all the way to the first floor, where Jae is just saying good-bye (I guess) to her dad) Hey, Jae.

Jae: (Turns around) Oh, hey, E.

E1965: Let's go upstairs. I was just about to eat lunch. (Both of them start walking up the stairs)

Jae: Oh, and by the way, I know it's not much, but (Gives E1965 a Big Ben keychain) happy birthday.

E1965: Oh, thanks. (Both of them enter the room)

Fermina: (To Jae) Kumain ka na ba? (Have you eaten yet?)(Jae says something E1965 can't make out)

E1965: We have spaghetti and chicken.

After lunch...

Jae: (Enters E1965's mom's bedroom)(Points at Jonathan (my brother)) David (that's his second name), do you remember me? (Jonathan remains silent, with a weird smile on his face)

E1965: I don't think he remem- (Jae interrupts E1965)

Jae: (To Jonathan) Do you remember me?

E1965: I don't think he does.

Jae: Nah, he does.

E1965: (Grabs a piece of paper hidden under a book) By the way, (Shows Jae the paper, which is a drawing of a Gunter Chinese Orchestra) this was what I was planning to show you.

Jae: (Holds the paper) Aww, it's so cute! You should really add Jake in there, 'cause Lady's there.

E1965: Nah, too lazy.


E1965: You guys want to have a pillow fight?

Jae: Okay!

E1965: You guys make your pillow fort, and I'll make mine.

Jae: Are you sure you don't want to team up with David?

E1965: Nah, I'll be fine as a loner in a pillow fight. First one to take five hits loses.


Jae: (While whacking E1965 with a pillow) One! Two! Three! Four! Five! (Stops whacking E1965) We win!

E1965: Let's have a rematch! This time, though, Jae, you'll be with me.

Jae: Are you sure about this?

E1965: Let's do it!


       "We got so bored, that we decided to play hide-and-seek like little kiddies, plus we had three servings of cookies-and-cream ice cream. It was glorious."

E1965: Okay, Jae, you count in the living room.

Jae: Okay. One, two, (E1965 hides under an office desk) three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, (Jonathan hides under a blanket) ten! (Starts walking towards the toy room (where E1965 is hiding))(Looks under the office desk, and finds E1965)(Catches E1965 by surprise) AAH!

E1965: (Shocked) AAH! Okay, you got me! (Both of them go to E1965's bedroom)

Jae: (Uncovers Jonathan's blanket, to find him under it) David!

Jonathan: AAH!!!


           "Since my mom was okay with me and Jae using her room to watch TV, I thought of showing her the AT episode "The Hard Easy."

E1965: (Plays the episode "The Hard Easy")(To Jae) This is literally, the funniest episode I've ever seen. (Merlyn looks through the front door)

Merlyn: (To Jae) Andiyan na ang nanay mo! (Your mom is here!)

Jae: Oh. (To E1965) Bye. You can talk about any of the stuff that happened today.

E1965: Sure.

Jae: (Turns to leave the house) Bye.

E1965: See ya.

*Memory Sequence ends*

Gunter: Wenk. (The pillow fight sounds like fun.)

Violet: The hide-and-seek part is kinda funny. You know, the parts where you and Jae take Jonathan and each other by surprise.

E1965: I know, right?

Violet: (Places down a card, and a holographic dog "kills" a holographic knight made of hay)(To Gunter) Ha! I beat you again! Two for two!

Gunter: Wenk, wenk! (Aww, man!) Wenk! (I'm really off my game!)

Violet: I suppose so.

E1965: Anyway, should we end the chapter?

Violet: Sure. Gunter?

Gunter: Wenk! (Okay!) Wenk! (Thank you so much for being patient with this chapter!) Wenk! (Before you guys fill the comments section with complaints, E has very legit reasons!)(To E1965) Wenk? (E?)

E1965: I only have one. I had a five-day road trip to Baguio and Sagada, and I didn't bring my iPad. (Mutters to herself) Sayang naman. May free Wifi naman sa Goshen Courtyards. (Too bad. There was free Wifi in Goshen Courtyards.) Malakas, pa! (It's strong, too!)

Violet: Um, E, focus.

E1965: Oh, yeah. Sorry. Anyway, That's all for now, and

E1965 and Violet: Thanks for watching!

Gunter: (Pops up in front of Violet and E1965)(Spreads his flippers, as if he wants to hug the audience) Wenk! (Bye!)

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