Exotic Foods and Ice Buckets

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E1965: Guys, we've got a dare! (The Thea Sisters approach E1965) From @The_FairyPrincess , I dare Colette to... eat frog legs, and Violet to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

Violet: I'll get the ice bucket! (Goes to the kitchen to fill a bucket with ice and water)

Colette: (Turns pale) Frog legs?! Nuh-uh! There is no way I'm eating frog legs! (Violet talks while filling the bucket)

Violet: Don't worry! They taste like chicken.

Everyone except Violet: YOU'VE HAD THEM BEFORE?!

Violet: In China, we eat anything edible we can get our hands on! Good thing I don't gain weight from eating lauriats in the Moon Cake Festival! I even know what pigeon tastes like!

Nicky, Paulina, Maria, Colette, and E1965: EWWW!! DON'T TELL US WHAT IT TASTES LIKE!!!

Violet: I won't. Anyway, dare is a dare, Colette. You have to eat them! It's a lot better than dissecting corpses in Science class, or doing Chinese fire drills!

Colette: Fine. But where are we going to get the legs? (Kumi walks towards the door)

Kumi: I'll go buy some at the market! (Leaves)

Violet: (Carries the bucket outside) Well, we oughta do this while waiting.

At the garage...

Violet: Get ready, guys! (Paulina starts filming the challenge) I nominate Nicky and Ruby to do this challenge!

Nicky: Why Ruby? And why me?!

Violet: Because she has been laying low from this challenge for two months! It's time for her to emerge from the darkness! Anyway, here goes! (Dumps the ice bucket on her head) WAHOO!! THAT IS WHAT I CALL FREEZING COLD!!! (The Thea Sisters look at her in shock)(Hops out of the basin) Nick, you have GOT to try this!

Nicky: (Jumps into the basin) Guys, if I pass out from the cold, just get me inside asap. Anyway, (Violet refills the bucket) I nominate Connie and Zoe to do this! (Violet dumps the ice on Nicky's head) KYAAAH!!! THAT IS FREEZING!!! (Hops out of the basin) VIOLET, HOW DO YOU SAY "WAHOO" TO THIS!!! THIS IS INSANELY COLD!!! HOW DO YOU EVEN WITHSTAND THIS??!!

Violet: (An orb of water floats on her right hand) Maybe because of this?

E1965: Yeah, we get it, Water Elemental.

Violet: Alright, alright.

Nicky: Okay, that makes sense. (Pam gives her a towel)(To Pam) Thanks. (Violet makes the orb of water disappear)

Paulina: (Stops filming and removes the camera from the tripod) Let's send this thing to Ruby!


                       Kumi is cooking two pairs of frog legs, while the Thea Sisters watch Ruby do the ice bucket challenge on a special stealth drone Paulina was testing.

Ruby: (On a camera)(Mutters to herself) I can't believe Violet challenged me to do this dumb challenge. (Alicia dumps a bucket of ice on Ruby's head) AAAAHHH!!! (The Thea Sisters burst out laughing) VIOLET CHALLENGED ME TO DO THIS?!?! WHEN I FIND THAT CHEN, I'LL TIE HER TAIL IN THE BIGGEST KNOT EVER!!!

Violet: Yeah, right. You don't know where I am right now, so you can't tie my tail in the (Makes quotation marks with her fingers) "biggest knot ever," cause you can't find ME!!!

Paulina: Hey, guys! (Points at the screen they're watching) Connie and Zoe are up!

Connie and Zoe: Nicky, if you're hearing this, we're going to get you if our hair gets frizzed! (Alicia dumps a cooler of ice on their heads)

Zoe: AAAHH!!! (Hops out of the basin with Connie) THAT IS FREEZING!!!

Connie: FREEZING IS EVEN AN UNDERSTATEMENT!!! WHERE'S THE FIREPLACE?!?! (Paulina turns the camera off)

Paulina: Now, once the drone's ultrasonic sensor can't sense any movement, it should come back here. I'll hang out here, in case the ultrasonic sensor ends up sensing moving grass. (Kumi comes in with fried frog legs)

Kumi: Hey, guys! I got the frog legs Coco over here has to eat!

Colette: Oh, do I have to?

The other Thea Sisters: Dare's a dare, Coco!

Colette: Fine. (Takes a bite off the leg) Ugh! Gross! You've seriously had this before, Vi?

Violet: I did in a lauriat, once. There were frog legs for appetizer, and my parents made me eat one leg. When I did, I thought it was chicken.

Nicky: What was the first meal in the main course?

Violet: Dog meat.

Everyone except Violet: UGH!!

Paulina: That is gross!

E1965: Hate to break it to you, Violet, but Chinese are weird with their cuisine! To think I'm saying this even though my mom is a pure Chinese, and I'm three-fourths Chinese...

Violet: I thought the same thing when my parents told me that the main course was dog meat. Before I knew it was dog meat, I thought it was beef. When my parents told me, I just shrugged and kept eating. But deep inside, I was thinking that my people were very weird. (Looks at Colette, who had finished both pairs) Colette, how did you...

Colette: It surprisingly tasted like chicken like you said, and there wasn't much meat, sooooo...

Maria: You want me to end the chapter?

Violet: Yeah, okay.

Nicky: I don't see why not.

Paulina: Do it, sis!

Maria: (Smiles) Okay! Thanks for the dare, @The_FairyPrincess ! Comment down on the section below what questions you have for us, or dares you want us to do!

E1965: That's all for now, and-

Everyone: Thanks for watching!

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