Pranks, Pranks, and More Pranks...

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*Memory Sequence starts*

In Xia's house...

E1965: (Grabs a bucket of water, props it on the slightly ajar door, and hides behind the couch) This is it, son! Just gotta wait till she gets here! (Patiently waits for Xia to go in)

Several agonizing hours later...

E1965: (Practically falling asleep from boredom) My gosh... how long have I been waiting? It's... almost been... four... hours... (Starts to doze off but shakes herself back awake) No! I can't miss this moment of hilarity! I have to see it! (Footsteps are heard in the hallway) Yes! Please tell me that's her! (Xia appears down the hallway) YES!!! (Snaps her fingers softly, and several ice cubes and tubes appear and fall into the bucket)

Xia: (Opens the door, not knowing about the bucket precariously perched on the door) Phew! Might as well flop on the couch and- (The bucket tips over and freezing cold water falls flat on Xia's head)(Jumps around like a person on hot (or in this case, cold) coals while E1965 secretly dies of laughter) AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! OH MY GOSH, WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?!?!?!?! (Looks up, to find the bucket somehow still perched in its place on the door) What the... (Notices a tiny engraving on the side of the bucket) E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hears E's silent laughter coming from behind the couch)(Sneaks up to the couch and looms  over, to find E dying of- no... dead from- laughter)(Smirks and grabs E by the collar and lifts her up to eye level) DUDE!!!

E1965: Whoa! (Looks at Xia casually) 'Sup Xia?


E1965: (Casually) Well, you said it was hotter than the actual sun today, so I thought of giving you a freshener. And yes, YOU'RE WELCOME!!! (Two buckets of ice water appear in her hands as E1965 chucks the water right at Xia, fresh from the freezer)

Xia: (Drops E1965 and hops up and down like a crazy rabbit) AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (E1965 nonchalantly teleports out of the room)

*Memory Sequence ends*

Jae: Yo, E!

E1965: What up?

Jae: I got a dare for Matt and the others!

Matthew: (Arrives with Andrew and Daniel) What is it?

Jae: I dare you three to pull a prank on Team Rocket!

Andrew: (He and Matthew share evil smirks) I love it!

Andrew and Matthew: (Both of them pose for evil laughs) MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Jae: And I'm dragging everyone else in as spectators! (Xia, Neon, and the other Thea Sisters pop into the room)

Xia: What the- what's going on? (Jae smiles innocently as the others except Neon hover ten feet in the air) Jae...

Jae: (Telepathically, to Neon) Neon, do you have your Chibi formula?

Neon: Yeah, why?


James: (Walks down the hallway of Team Rocket headquarters)(Sighs) Feels so refreshing just to take a break from catching Pikachu. I've never had such good food in a long time! (The sound of a doorbell fills the hallway) Huh? Mail? (Runs to the door and opens it, to find a big crate sitting in front of the doorway) What is it? (Reads the note taped to the top of the crate)

Note: Team Rocket, please accept this gift from us. We have finally caught Ash's Pikachu and his friends as well, and we thought of handing them over to you. With regards, Anonymous.

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