Prepare For CRINGE

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E1965: (Relaxing on her bed)(Sighs) Home sweet home. I'm glad that's over. Now I can kick back and- (A microchip suddenly appears in her hand) Huh? (Sits up and places the microchip into her holographic communicator, and the communicator displays a message)

Holographic message: E, I dare you, for the whole chapter, to flirt with anyone you see. I'm not sorry. XD Good luck! -Xia

E1965: WHAT?!?! Xia, you do know I don't have the mental capacity to flirt, right?!?!?! Ugh... (Falls back into her bed) This is the pits.

In the living room...

Andrew: (While playing with a Rubik's cube) Come on... I almost got it... (Turns the three upper cubes to the right, completing the puzzle) Yes! (A microchip appears right on top of the cube) Huh? (Places the chip into the communicator on the living room table, and a holographic message appears)

Message: I dare Xia to have seven minutes in Heaven with one of your male characters. -Izza

Andrew: (Freezes) What?!?! (Xia, with her sword in hand, suddenly walks in through a portal)

Xia: Hey, what's going on, Andre- (Speed-reads the dare) WHAT?!?!?! Are there any male characters here?!?!

Andrew: Other than us Pokémon, no! (Alan, Pericles, Dan and Matthew enter the room)

Message: If you only have pokémon for the male characters, turn them into humans or something. i don't know lol

Andrew: BOMB COUNT!!! But wait, WHAT?!?! (A mysterious cloud of smoke engulfs the Pokémon in the room)

Xia: What's going on? (The smoke clears, to reveal five humans in the place of the five Pokémon)(Drops her sword in shock) WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?!?!

Andrew: (Turns to look at Xia) Hey, Xia, what's- (Stops short) Wait, (Points at Xia) why do you seem shorter than- (Stops short again upon noticing his now-human hand and his long, sky-blue sleeves) What? (Looks down at his outfit, to find himself in a sky-blue Chinese (because reasons) shirt with white outlines and pockets sewn in, a royal-blue cape, loose light blue pants (with the left leg shorter than the right), a yellow sandal on his right foot, and his metal leg now at a human size) WHAAA?!?!?!?

Dan: (Looks at his outfit, which is a yellow, long-sleeved shirt, an orange knee-length hakama, and beige sandals) What's going on?! (Looks behind him and starts freaking out a bit) Where's my tail?!?!?!

Matthew: (Looks at his outfit, which is a dark gray khat (an Egyptian headdress mostly for men) with blue ornamental spikes jutting out of the sides of the khat's dull silver headband on his head, a vest made of lion fur, a gray linen shirt underneath, a blue below-knee length skirt tied with a gray leather belt, dull (as in dark-gray dull) silver cuffs with two ivory spikes jutting out of the backhand sides, bare feet, and of course, his red scarf wrapped around his neck) Why are we humans?!?

Pericles: What happened? (Looks at his wings, which are now human arms and are completely featherless) WHERE ARE MY WINGS?!?!?!?! (Starts freaking out like heck)

Alan: (Looks at the beige shirt, timber vest lined with white linen, and blue pants he's now wearing)(In his still-British accent) And now my shell's gone... I don't know what to think of this...

Message: (A post-script suddenly appears) you're welcome, lol

The now-human Pokésquad except Pericles: BOMB COUNT!!!

Andrew: (Moves his metal leg) This feels very weird.

Matthew: (While struggling to stand on his toes) I know, right? And Xia, how do you humans do this?

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