Matt's Great Adventure

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Matthew: Are you sure you want me to go full charge at you, Jake?

Jake: Yeah, Matt! Just DO IT!!!

Matthew: Alright, then! I'm not holding back! (Summons a long bone in his paw)

Jake: Whoa! You can do that?!

Matthew: Yeah, and watch out! (Charges at Jake, who dodges and parries by stretching his hands into whips)(Both of them start sparring)(Someone else winds up butting in and joining the fight) Whoa, hey, Finn! You're late!

Finn: I know, but that's only because a bucket got jammed into my butt! (Matthew snickers mischievously)

Matthew: Thanks for the compliment!

Finn: Here comes my Choky Broky style as payback! (Starts punching both of them, as Jake dodges the punches and Matthew blocks them by splitting his staff into kali sticks)

Matthew: Come on, Finn! (Flips over Finn's head and lands behind him) Headlocks aren't gonna work on this jackal! (Kicks Finn in the side, knocking him a few feet off)

Finn: (Lands on his back) Oof! (Jumps back to his feet) Well, you're good, but how long can you hold up?! (Runs back into the battle, but all three stop short when a horde of seven people wearing red hoodies appear and ambush them) Whoa, hey! What gives?!

Guy: You. How did you get here?!?

Jake: Uh, we live here. Duh!

Matthew: No. I think they're talking about me.

Guy: Well, either way, we're here for some sort of fire girl. Have you seen her?

Finn: Depends on who's asking. Are you good or evil?

Guy: (Face palms) We're here for the good of all!

Finn: Oh, then Flame Princess is at the Fire Kingdom attending to her duties as princess. The Fire Kingdom is (Points southwest) that way. (Matthew and Jake face palm)

Matthew: Good Palkia, Finn...

Guy: Alright, then. (To his comrades) Let's go. (The group turn southwest, but Matthew jumps high in the air and lands in front of them)

Matthew: Whoa whoa whoa. Not so fast. You are not dragging your group of grunts to the Fire Kingdom to snatch Flame Princess and take her to Arceus-knows-where.

Guy: Whoa, a talking Lucario? Who knew? Well anyway, smart guy, didn't you hear what I was saying earlier? We are here for the good of all!

Matthew: Don't try to fool me. I know why you're here, Team Magma! (The guy flinches)

Jake: Wait a minute, Matt. You know these guys?!

Matthew: (Ignores Jake) I know you're going to use Flame Princess's powers for your own good. Why don't you just give up trying to expand the land? It may give us extra space, but think about the Water Pokémon! Where will they live now?

Guy: I've never cared about those squeamish water dwellers. And right now you prove to us you're against the plans of Team Magma! (To his comrades) Teach him a lesson, boys!

Grunt no. 1: Gladly. (Throws a Pokéball with a dark purple and red M painted on it in the air) Talonflame, I choose you! (A Talonflame flies out of the Pokéball in a display of fire and ashes)

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