The Mega Crossover

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Matthew: Hey, guys! This video is a collaboration with DrifterDan and @SethGunn! Enjoy!

E1965: Oh, and quick warning: this episode contains a few political puns. Proceed at your own risk, and don't take any of them too seriously. Okay, now sit back, relax, and enjoy the video!

Matthew: (Notices E1965 enter the room with an unreadable expression on her face)(To Violet, in a whisper) You think she'll be okay?

Violet: She just needs time off. However, I'm pretty sure she's feeling at least a smidgeon better than yesterday.

Matthew: I don't know. Her expression says otherwise.

Violet: You know how good she is at masking her emotions, whether good or bad.

Matthew: That's true. (Glances at E1965's still blank face) To be honest, I'm starting to feel guilty that I never noticed her emotional pain.

Violet: You're not alone, Matt.

Matthew: (Remains silent for while) I think this might sound... selfish... for me to ask... but... do you think E really cares about us?

Violet: What makes you think that?

Matthew: Well, knowing her, she would know that if she goes, we'll end up going with her, right?

Violet: I can't read too much of her face right now, but... I can tell that she's not thinking straight. When one is in such a low emotional state, it's hard to think straight. No matter what she does, she probably won't be thinking straight for a few days, even weeks. We're just gonna have to wait for her to get over it for now. I mean, no matter how hard we try, in this state, she'll try to handle this situation alone, even though we already know. (Jae appears in the middle of the room) ... I don't know what to think of Jae being here, with that look on her face...

Jae: Yo, E, what happened? Iseverythingokay? Areyagonnadie? Areyoudead, ofcourseyou'renotdead, you'rerighthereinfrontofme. If you die, canIkeepthefridge? Huh? Huh? CanIkeepthefridge?

E1965: (Sighs) I don't wanna talk about it.

Jae: Wait what? About the fridge? It's just a simple question, man. So... canIkeepthefridge? CanIgetitnow? Whaddayathinkaboutthat? Doesthatsoundgoodtoyou? Huh? C'mon, you're not answering. Doesthishavesomethingtodowith- (E1965 interrupts her)


Matthew: (To E1965) Whoa, E! Chill! Jae's just concerned... in her own way.

Jae: So what? Can- (Violet interrupts her)

Violet: Yeah, yeah, fine. Whatever. You can get the fridge for all I care! (Mutters to herself) If you can move it, that is.

Jae: Yay! (Runs to the kitchen)

Matthew: (Sighs and places a paw on E1965's shoulder) You really need a day off, E.

E1965: I suppose so. (Stands and walks to the door) I think I'll just... visit my family for a bit. I'll be back in a while. (Teleports away)

A few days later...

Violet: (A microchip appears on the coffee table) Hey, guys! We've got a... question... that's new.

Nicky: (Walks over to the couch) Let me see that. (Picks the microchip up in her hand- err, paw) It's for me... okay... (Places the microchip in the holographic communicator, and a message is displayed) From @SalaysiaGragg , "Do you like Ruby's brother as a friend or as a crush?" (Shrugs) As a friend. Ryder turns to us when he needs our help, and we turn to him whenever we need his help. If you're thinking that the two of us are more than just friends because of that one time Ruby caught Ryder helping me up after I tripped in the garden and snapped a picture of us smiling at each other, well, you've got another thing coming. Come on! (Looks around furtively before continuing with a smirk) The person you should ask is Pam.

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