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E: Whenever I see girls and boys


E: (Nervously walks towards Violet) Hey Vi....

Violet: Yeah?

E: You haven't had breakfast, have you?

Violet: Not yet.... why?

E: What about Lily? Has she had breakfast?

Violet: No....

Lily: E, what's going on? You look nervous.

E: (Remains silent for a moment before sighing and showing Lily and Violet a piece of paper) Xia gave this to me.

Lily: .... You can't be serious.

E: Unfortunately I am.

Violet: We are not gonna survive this.

E: Yeah. Even with the backup I'm giving, you are barely gonna put a dent in this.

Lily: Please tell me the backup is Pam.

*unfortunately it's not*

Venilia: (Stares at the huge two platters of toast, sausages, eggs, baked beans, hash browns, fries, mushrooms, and bacon) Oh ****...

Orchid: We're ******* screwed.

Violet: It doesn't help that the tomatoes and the mushrooms are the only things vegan on this platter...

Lily: (E sighs as she plops a big omelet over the fries) Welp, there's only one thing to do now.

Orchid: Try to make a dent in this thing?

Lily: No. Write our last wills and testaments first, because I bet you ten bucks that we won't be able to finish this thing, let alone finish half of it.

Veni: Mhm....

*Pam wanted to have some, but she wasn't allowed to*

Violet: (Takes the last bite of mushrooms and groans as she buries her face in her hands) This is ridiculous...

Lily: (Taps on the table intensely with one hand while the other is tending to an aching eye socket (phantom pain chose the worst time) and a headache) ..... Where's my ten bucks....? (Rests her head on the table and wallows in both physical and mental pain)

Orchid: (Leans back in her seat) I don't have any cash right now.... remind me later when we're not dying... (Tends to Veni, who is starting to succumb to food coma) I know you want to sleep Veni, but that food is gonna come right back up if you do.

Veni: (Feebly swats Orchid's hand off her shoulder) Shut up.......

Lily: I can't take it, I swear...

Violet: Me neither. I can't take another bite now...... (Thinks for a moment before speaking in a hesitant tone) Do we have to—

E: No.

Violet: What?

E: I am not gonna force you guys to use a hypothetical vomitorium just to finish this monstrosity. (Snaps her fingers, and a person who looks like Pam but with a different outfit appears in the room)(Takes a deep breath) ALRIGHT PAM YOU CAN FINISH IT FOR THEM!!

Pam: Coming! (Runs over to the table)

Orchid: Save me, Blaise..... I can't take any more of this.....

Blaise: Clearly.

Pam: Oh, hi...

Blaise: Hey, name's Blaise. (Squeezes Veni's shoulder comfortingly) I'm Veni's Pam, so yeah. (Veni weakly swats Blaise's hand away, to which Blaise responds by weaving past Veni's pale hand and rubbing her on the back)(To Veni) I swear, Veni. You really shouldn't sleep on a full stomach. It's not a good idea.

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