Flashbacks, Pt. 1

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Violet: Man, I am so bored.

Pam: You're telling me. Even though we are a bit fresh from our trip to Iceland, I have absolutely nothing in my mind.

E1965: (Enters the room with a Mickey Sorcerer's Apprentice hat on her head) Hey, guys. I'm back!

Gunter: Wenk! (Whoa!) Wenk wenk wenk wenk wenk wenk wenk?! (Where on earth did you get that?)

E1965: Can't you tell? I went to Tokyo Disneyland and Disneysea!

Jae: Disneysea?

E1965: Yup!

Gunter: Wenk? (Dude, what did you do while you were out?)

Colette: Yeah! Tell us!

E1965: Only if you guys tell me what you did while I was out.

Gunter: Wenk! (Only if you let me wear your hat!)(E1965 throws the hat in the air, and it lands on Gunter's head) Wenk! (Okay!) Wenk? (Violet?)

Violet: Sure! Okay, so right after you left...

*Memory Sequence starts*

     "Gunter opened the door, and someone I really didn't know came in."

Gunter: (Opens the door, and Lapis Lazuli enters the room) Wenk! (Guys, let me introduce you to my old friend, Lapis Lazuli!)

Lapis: Hey, guys!

Violet: So, you're from the Coastline Dimension, huh?

Lapis: Yeah, why?

Violet: How did I not meet you when I was there?

Lapis: (Shrugs) No idea, but Peridot did tell me about you. (Grins) She said you were "as intimidating as the fusion"!

Violet: (Chuckles) Yeah, that makes sense. When we first met, Peridot told me to "unfuse", because she thought I was a fusion. She also said that "me being a fusion was making her incredibly uncomfortable".

Lapis: Really? I honestly didn't think you would be this tall. I thought you were as tall as Garnet!

Violet: Not really. I was around a forehead shorter than Pearl. (Bursts out laughing)

Lapis: What is it?

Violet: (In between giggles) Nothing, really. When I saw Pearl and Peridot having a friendly robot fight, I just remembered that time where Pearl punched Peridot in the face! (Lapis bursts out laughing, while Jae, Gunter, and the other Thea Sisters stand awkwardly)

Jae: (To Gunter) Are we just gonna stand here like awkward ducks?

Gunter: Wenk. (I guess.) Wenk! (But this is so rare, though!) Wenk! (I've only heard Lapis laugh once!)

Violet: (She and Lapis calm down) Anyway, I'm Violet, and these are my friends, (Gestures to each person) Colette, Nicky, Pam, Paulina, Gunter, and Jae. Our other friend, E, just left. She had go to the airport to catch her plane to Tokyo.

Lapis: That's fine. So, what are you guys doing?

Violet: We were just about to get Jae to do a great dare.

Jae: Yeah, (Punches Violet's arm playfully) right.

Violet: (Rubs her arm) Hey! (To Lapis) Follow us. This should be funny.

Colette: (Hands the iron rod to Jae) Bend it until the two ends meet!

Jae: Alright, fine. (Tries bending the rod)(Strained) THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Ask and Dare the E. Thea Sisters!Where stories live. Discover now