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Violet: Is she gonna be okay, E?

E: Yeah, I think so. Viktorya said that she just need some rest, so I guess things are gonna be— (Lucille (Viktorya's version of Colette) suddenly bursts into the room through the front door followed by a nervous Viktorya, taking everyone by surprise)


Viktorya: Lucille, calm down! It's not that bad!

E: (Sighs) Oh momma, I'm gonna get a heart attack at a young age, I swear. Yeah, Orchid's fine. She's upstairs. Vi, please show her where to go. She might get lost.

Violet: Alrighty then, E. Come on, Lucille, I'll lead you to Orchid. Viktorya, there's some leftover mochi ice cream from the comedic short we did a few days back, so I recommend you going there and eating your stress out. You look like you're gonna break down from stress. Pam could help prepare it. (Walks upstairs with Lucille in tow)

Viktorya: Thanks, Vi. Don't mind if I do. (Jogs off to the kitchen)

E: (Sighs) These people... Oh my goodness, as if things can't get any more eventful. (Xia enters the house via a portal) Hi, Xia.

Xia: Hey, E, something going on around here?

E: Not really, besides everything the mind can possibly come up with. The girl Viktorya's here, and she brought Orchid, Violet's alternate self that she created. This Violet just so happened to be a Bakugo in terms of competitive spirit, so she challenged my Violet to a duel and stuff. Very eventful duel that Andrew also participated in. Lucille, Colette's alternate self (also created by Viktorya), is here because she's concerned, so yeah. Typical stuff.

Xia: Oh wow. That is a lot.

E: It is.

Xia: Well, I got a dare to probably-but-most-likely-not relieve yourself from stress!

E: Go ahead.

Xia: I dare you to switch worlds with me!

E: (After a long, confused pause) What?

Xia: For two episodes!

E: Oh, okay.

Xia: You can bring someone with you if you want.

E: Might as well bring Andrew, since he's already sleeping on my lap. (Strokes a sleeping Andrew's head gently)

Xia: Aww. Alrighty then! You stay in my world with Andrew, and I'll stay in yours with... eh.... AMAI, WHY NOT?? (Opens a portal that a girl with relatively long hair, green eyes, light grey shirt, dark grey jacket, and dark blue jeans falls through)

Amai: Ow! What the— (Looks around before slightly glaring at Xia) Xia.....

Xia: Sorry to drop you in at a short notice, Amai, but WE'RE GONNA BABYSIT E'S KIDS!!!

Amai: Oh my Yuni have mercy....

Xia: Hey, what did I say about saying that nickname Jae gave Yunaito?!

Amai: Look, it just kinda stuck with me in a way. Now stop screaming, please.

E: Well, that fits. They won't really cause too much trouble for you. Besides Orchid. She might try picking fights again. Just... make sure that they're fine, and that they're not doing any uh... business in Orchid's room.

Xia: Aye aye, Captain!

E: (Looks down at Andrew, who is still asleep) Hey Andrew, (Gently shakes his head) wake up.

Andrew: (Mumbles in his sleep) Just five more minutes, E.....

E: We're going to Yunaito. C'mon.

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