Oooo Foxy's Gonna Kill You Ooo So Scary

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Jae: (In a creepy tone) Foxy, Foxy, where is Fo- (Nicky interrupts her)

Nicky: SHHHH!! Don't say that name!

Jae: Say what name?

Nicky: The one you just chanted earlier!

Jae: Oh! You mean Foxy!

Nicky: (Waves her hands in front of Jae's face) SHSHSHSHSHSHH!! We don't speak of that name!

Jae: What? I just said Fo— (Nicky slashes her thumb across her neck) What?! I was gonna say Fox News. See? I just said it. I have to know what is up with her....... Hmm.... (Places two fingers on her temples)

Nicky: What are you doing?

Jae: Umm...... YOU DIDN'T SEE ME DO ANYTHING! (Runs to her bedroom)

Nicky: YES I DID!

Jae: NO YOU DIDN'T!!! (Telekinetically locks the door)(Texts E1965)

At the kitchen...

E1965: (Receives a text) Hm? (Reads it)

Jae's text: E1965, what is up with Nicky? She keeps on telling me to shush whenever I say the name 'Foxy'. Does this have to do with the Sisters' past adventures?

E1965: Yes, actually. (Texts)(Brackets will indicate E1965's text, in case you get confused)(Just remember, an open bracket always has a close bracket)

E1965's text: (This message is coded A=B) [Hs'r z knmf rsnqx. H'kk sdkk xnt "Ldlnqx Rdptdmbd" rsxkd.] (#codes if you manage to decipher this!)(The rest of this message is decoded)

[*Memory Sequence starts*

Nicky was once captured by the Ruby Crew (who were obsessed with getting revenge from the Thea Sisters at one point and time), and was put in a chamber. It was.... terrible...

Nicky: (Ruby flings her into a chamber) OOW!!! (To Ruby) What was that for?!

Ruby: I'd rather not say! (Laughs evilly as she locks the door)

Nicky: (To herself) That Ruby. What is she up to now? (Turns on a flashlight (which was found on the floor)) What are you up to now, Ruby? (Finds an animatronic (Nightmare Foxy) standing in the distance) What in the name of....

N.Foxy: (Stares at Nicky)(Angrily) NIGHT GUARD!!! I AM COMING FOR YOU!!!! (Runs towards Nicky, who runs around the whole chamber like lightning) NOTHING CAN HIDE YOU FROM ME!!! YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN NOT HIDE FROM ME AND MY FRIENDS!!!

Nicky: (While running) What?! (Bumps into FNAF 2 Foxy) Aaaaah! (FNAF 3 and F. Foxy pin Nicky to the ground) What are you?!

N. Foxy: I be the pirate fox. The monster of a thousand deaths. I. Am. FOXY!!!! (Opens his mouth, revealing bloody, bear trap-sharp teeth)

Nicky: AAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! RUBY!!!!!!! GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!

*Memory Sequence ends*]

E1965's text: [Sgzs'r sgd vgnkd rsnqx.] (E1965 sends the text to Jae)

Jae: (After reading the text) MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Violet: (From her room) Jae, you are not an evil mastermind. Why are you laughing like Gargamel when he made Smurfette from clay?

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