Flashbacks Pt. 2

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*E1965's Memory Sequence starts*

     "When we arrived at the airport, we were really exhausted. I only slept around two hours in the plane, and the chairs don't recline that much. Luckily, a man came around and took us to our apartment in Bicyclette Sumida. When we arrived, we were so sleepy, we slept for a couple of hours, then we went to the famous Tokyo Skytree, but not without a few, no, a LOT of problems. One of them was how to get home via the train station. The trains are awesome, but a bit confusing. THEY USE FLIPPING MACHINES TO GIVE YOU YOUR TRAIN TICKETS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!"

Ann (my mom): How do we do this? (Fumbles with the ticket machine)

E1965: Let me try. (Presses a button, and the info of the machine is translated to English)

Ann: OM, This is so complicated!

A few seconds later...

     "We took a train to the closest station to our apartment, but we went down on the wrong station."

E1965: (The train rolls to a stop, and a sign that says "Hikifune Station" catches E1965's eye)) Wait, that's not the station we're supposed to be in!

Ann: Come on! (The family gets down the train, and out of the station)

E1965: (To Nes (my dad)) What's our next landmark?

Nes: McDonalds.

E1965: Okay, that should make it a breeze finding our way home.

Several minutes later...

Ann: Oh my golly! We're lost!

Nes: And my back is killing me!

E1965: Maybe we should call a taxi.

Ann: But how? (E1965 steps towards the edge of the sidewalk and looks for a taxi)(A black taxi (yeah, they're black. Our host's husband (the guy who fetched us from the airport) said that the red and black taxis were the fastest ones))(E1965 raises her hand (to call the taxi), and the taxi stops right beside us)

Ann: (To Nes) Ipakita mo sa kaniya yung map! (Show him the map!)

Nes: (Shows the driver the map)Do you know this place?

A few seconds later...

     "We made it back to our apartment, and my mom came up with an insane but convenient idea..."

Ann: How about we just live at Sheraton and Tokyo Bay Maihama hotel for the last four days we have here?

E1965: That is an insane idea. What are we going to tell our host?

Ann: I'll handle it. I'll just text her that there is a change in our schedule.

E1965: I guess so.

The next day...

    "We went to Tokyo Disneyland, I got this Sorcerer's Apprentice hat, and we rode the Star Tours ride in Tomorrowland."

E1965: (Grabs a pair of 3D glasses (it was a must to wear them in the ride)) How am I going to wear this? I already have glasses! (Wears the glasses over her eyeglasses)(All of them enter the ride) Okay... now what? (A Cast Member comes in and says certain instructions in Japanese)(The ride starts, and the floor suddenly moves (it's those rides where the seats move to give the feeling that you're in the game) as the 3D screen displays several stuff that took forever for the mind to process)(Holds onto the yellow safety strap) Whoa! That was surprising. (The floor moves so suddenly, it almost makes E1965 fly out of her chair) Whoa! (Catches her hat, which almost flew off her head)

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