The New Housemate

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E1965: Hey, guys! We got ourselves a new housemate!

Nicky: Really?

Violet: Who?

E1965: You'll find out when you get the door! She said she'll be here in around ten minutes.

Nicky: She? It must be Jae! (The Thea Sisters hear a message ringtone coming from upstairs, and they all walk up the stairs to answer it)

E1965: (To Violet, in a low whisper) Violet, can I talk to you for a sec?

Violet: (Approaches E1965) What is it, E?

E1965: Our new housemate is Jae, and I know Nicky still hates her for that ice prank. So here's the plan. When Jae comes in the house, make sure Nicky never leaves your grasp. I don't want her to go Harambe on Jae. When Nicky charges for her, knock her out and drag her to the closet. You know the effects of acupressure more than even I do.

Violet: I'll do it!


E1965: (Hears the doorbell)(Approaches the door, and peeps through the peephole, to find Jae outside) Guys, she's here! (The Thea Sisters stand at the bottom of the stairs, while Violet secretly grabs Nicky's hoodie)(Opens the door)

Jae: (In an Australian accent) Hey, mates!

Nicky: I'm gonna get you, Jae! (Charges for Jae)(Violet yanks Nicky's hoodie, to no avail)

E1965: Shoot. (Blocks Nicky's way) Whoa whoa whoa whoa, Nick! Think about this for a hot second.

Nicky: (Looks at Jae after a long pause) What's your name?

Jae: Sam Hickory!

Nicky: (Blushes from embarrassment) O-oh... uh... Sorry... I guess I got the wrong end of the cheese stick.

Jae: Don't worry! No hard feelings!

E1965: By the way, you said you had dares for us, Sam?

Jae: (Holds up a plate with five Ghost Peppers) I dare Violet to eat these Ghost Peppers!

Violet: (Turns pale) Ghost Peppers?!

Jae: Yeah, mate! You have to eat these peppers until nothing but the stem is left!

E1965: And you can't eat or drink anything other than the iced tea in (Points at a pitcher filled with fake iced tea (Tabasco sauce)) that, for the whole chapter.

Violet: I'm dead.

E1965: (Telepathically, to Jae) Did you inject California Reaper juice into the peppers?

Jae: Yup. I bet Violet's eyes will turn redder than a drug addict's eyes! Ten bucks.

E1965: Deal. Anyways, don't you think it's too brutal?

Jae: We talked about it before, remember?

E1965: Remembered it like it was yesterday. Did you add the tranqs into the fifth pepper?

Jae: E, relax! It'll be good! (Grabs her phone and starts texting)

E1965: Who are you texting?

Julianna: Maxi and Jin.

E1965: (-_-) Why am I not surprised?

Jae: Great! They'll be here in a while.

E1965: As visitors?

Jae: For the whole series!

Everyone else: The whole series?!

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