Prepare Your Hearts...... for a Cuteness Overload

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Nicky: (Hanging blankets over the living room to make a blanket fort) This is gonna be fun!

Lily: A sleepover in a place where we already sleep in....

Pam: But we all never sleep in the same room, so it still counts!

Lily: Fair enough. We did make the "world's biggest pillow fort" in the treehouse one time.... Finn spent almost the whole day inside the fort festering about Flame Princess.

Paulina: You won't find that here, that's for sure. This is gonna be a whole lot of fun and games!

Ezra: (Flies into the room from upstairs with a lot of pillows) 'Kay, I got the pillows! Where do I put 'em?

Violet: (Points at the couch) We haven't set up the blanket floor, so on the couch will have to do for now.

Ezra: Here you are. (Places the pillows on the couch)

Andrew: (Waddles into the room with a stack of blankets in his flippers) Thanks, Ezra!

E: (Takes all but one blanket off of Andrew's hands) Lemme help you with that, little guy. (Starts unfolding and spreading the blankets on the floor)

Colette: Hey, E, didn't you say that Vik was coming to join the party too?

E: Nah, but she is gonna drop someone off here. Never said who, though.

Eevee: (Enters the room with Alan and Dan) That's gonna add to the fun, though, ain't it?

Alan: Yes, it's going to be a splendid surprise!

Dan: D-does it really h-have to be a m-mystery, th-though?

Matt: Not really, but Vik wanted it to be a mystery, so that makes it exciting.

Andrew: Is anyone else coming to the sleepover? (Gestures to E to help him reach a place that's too high for him to reach on his own)

E: (Holds Andrew up so he can hang a blanket corner to the corner of the last blanket to expand the blanket fort roof) Hmm, let me think.... Xia's coming over. I think Jae said she wants to tag along too.

Andrew: Nice! The more the merrier!

Lily: Also can I ask just one question about it?

E: Fire away.

Lily: Why do we have to wear Pokémon onesies to it?

E: Because it'll be really comfy at night, and it'll also look cool.

Violet: .... You're mispronouncing cute, and it's understandable why you would do that.

*we don't want the cutes in denial to not join in the fun now do we*

Lily: (Comes out wearing a Darkrai onesie) Well, this thing doesn't interfere with anything at all, and I'm not being sarcastic.

Violet: (In a Primal Kyogre onesie) I mean, to be fair, you are blind in (Gestures to Lily's right side, which is covered by the extension of the hoodie) that side to begin with, after all.

Nicky: (In an Aggron onesie) If anything, it helps you because it means that you don't have to wear your eyepatch.

Lily: I mean, I kinda still do, because I'm not used to my eye being relatively out in the open. Just the slight breeze from the air conditioner blowing into my socket is making me uncomfortable.

Matt: (In a slightly modified Mega Lucario onesie (the ears were cut out to make room for Matt's ears, plus a hole for Matt's tail to go through)) Fair enough. (Turns to Ezra, who walks in wearing a Mega Charizard X onesie (modified, again, for his wings)) Looking good, Ezra!

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