A Day In Our Nightmares

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Violet: Hey guys, before we start, this one isn't exactly for the faint of heart and those who can't stand drama. So if you don't want to watch a whole bucketload of drama, exit this video and look for something else while waiting for the next episode. But if you think you can handle it, well good luck. Watch on, if you dare.

Paulina: (A microchip appears in her hand) Huh? (Inserts the microchip into the holographic communicator, and the communicator projects a message)

Holographic message: I dare all the people who did not prank me prank those who did scare me by trapping them in their worst nightmares for a whole day. No exceptions. -Izza P.S. I totally know you guys pranked me xD (again, I made those punctuation errors on purpose.)

Paulina: (Nervous) Uh... I don't think I'm too comfortable doing that one. But... (Sighs) A dare is a dare, I guess. Hey, Dan! Coco! Alan! Vi! Pam! Andrew! We got a dare! Meet me in my room and we'll talk about it!

Alan, Pam, Colette, Violet, Andrew and Daniel: Coming, Paulina!


Daniel: This one's tricky.

Alan: What is E's worst nightmare, anyway?

Paulina: Good question. I honestly don't know.

Violet: Me neither.

Andrew: I can definitely guess what Matt's worst nightmare is. But of course, it's a secret between him and me.

Paulina: Okay, then. You guys focus on getting them into isolated spots, because... (Takes a deep breath) this is gonna get really messy...

Violet: You said it.


E1965: So, why are we in this white room, Andrew?

Andrew: Oh, nothing just thought of doing something.

E1965: What is it? And why here? I'm getting an asylum room vibe from this place.

Andrew: It's just you. Don't worry. (Suddenly jumps onto a very tall chair in front of E1965 at eye level and swings a silver pocket watch (which he borrowed from Violet) in front of E1965's face)(Starts chanting) In a room plastered white, your deeds will fall out of sight. As you watch the clock swing, you don't notice any other thing. Relax, your heart will beat, but the time has come for you to sleep! (E1965 falls to the floor, fast asleep)(Stops the watch from swinging) Well, that was easy. (Hops off the chair and walks out of the room, pushing the chair with him) Now, where was I?

In another room...

Violet: (Telekinetically moves an unconscious Nicky to the middle of the room) Done!

In yet another room...

Pam: (Plops an unconscious Matthew in the center of the room) That was easy.

Later, in the living room...

Andrew: (Hands Violet her pocket watch) We're ready, Paulina!

Paulina: Okay, here we go! (Reaches her hand out in front of her and closes her eyes in concentration)(Eventually opens her eyes) It's done. They should be trapped in their nightmares until I say they wake up.

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