Shenanigans (the funny and the disgusting)

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Xia: I got another dare for you guys.

E1965: (Puts on her grey knee-length coat with upturned collars) Fire away, man.

Xia: I dare ya'll to prank Lillian!

Nicky: (Grins evilly) I got the perfect prank for Li- (Xia interrupts her)

Xia: No genocide pranks!

Nicky: (;-;) Aw.

Pam: Don't worry. I got an old classic that Lil would absolutely love!


Nicky: (Gently and softly opens the door to Lillian's room, where Lillian is sleeping soundly)(Telepathically) E, you got the Legos?

E1965: (While carrying a box of Lego pieces) Yup.

Nicky: Good. Entering the enemy's base in three... two... (Quietly walks into Lillian's room with E1965 in tow)(E1965 quietly brings the Legos out of its box with teleportation and sets them all over the floor on one side of Lillian's bed)

E1965: How are we going to wake her up?

Nicky: I was thinking of the casual foghorn, but now that you mention it... (Grins evilly and slowly shape-shifts) I got a better idea.

E1965: (Teleports the box out of the room)(Grins evilly along with Nicky) Oh... I get where this is going.

Nicky: (Finishes shapeshifting into... a cat) Heheheh... (Creeps up on the other side of Lillian's bed (the side without Legos) and slowly sneaks up right in front of Lillian (she's sleeping sideways, facing Nicky)) Ultimate prank is gonna happen in three... two... (E1965 interrupts her)

E1965: Wait! (Places a camera on the wall in front of Lillian, and the camera suddenly disappears, blending in with the wall)(Presses the record button) Okay, now, go! (Nicky suddenly yowls like a cat, taking Lillian by surprise and waking her up instantly)

Lillian: (Jumps backwards by ten inches from shock) AAAAAAH!!!!! (Winds up a little too close to the bed's edge and frantically windmills her arms to maintain her balance) WHOA!!! (Falls off the bed, flat on her back and the Legos) AAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!! (Nicky and E1965 burst out laughing)(-_-) Not funny, guys. NOT funny. (Nicky transforms back into her normal form and grabs the camera from its spot)(Sighs and closes her eyes)

Nicky: (Stops the recording) Wait till the others see this!

Lillian: (Her eyes fly back open) What?

Nicky: (Runs out the room) I'M POSTING THIS ON YOUTUBE!!!!!

Lillian: (Scrambles back to her feet as her right eye glows bright purple, with mist streaming from it) Uh-uh. NUH-UH!!! (Flies out her room and tackles Nicky, who tosses the camera at E1965 in the middle of the tackle) WHERE'S DA CAMERA?!?!?!

E1965: Oh, you mean (Holds the camera up) this? (Rapidly activates Bluetooth on the camera and runs for her life) WOO!!!

Lillian: (Flies after E1965) DON'T CHU DARE POST THAT ON THE INTERNET!!!

E1965: (Makes a sharp turn to the garage, where Violet is standing) This is it!

Violet: (Holds her hand out to her side) Come on, E!

E1965: (Slaps Violet's hand and leeches her levitational powers (I can do that to any of my OCs (be it AU OCs or regular OCs) and any of their supernatural abilities) while running at top speed) Tag! You're it! (Jumps to the skies and flies away)

Violet: Alright! (Creates an ice duplicate of E1965 and makes it run out of the garage and in Lillian's sight)

Lillian: Gotcha, E! Now, GIMME DA CAMERA!!! ("E1965" shakes her head and runs off, with Lillian hot on her tail)

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