Jae's Valentine

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Nicky: (Jae walks into the room with a very giddy look on her face) Hey Jae, what's up?

Violet: Is it a sadistic dare you just thought of?

E1965: It's not a dare guys, she's just really, really, really... really... lovestruck right now.

Pam: Why?

Jin: Jae, you look like you've lost your mind. Did you drop it on the way here from school? (Hearts pop out and hover near Jae's head)(E1965 facepalms)

E1965: Quit it, Jae.

Pam: Again, why?

Jae: (Glares at everyone else) It's Valentine's Day!

Violet: So what?

Jae: (Sighs) You people don't understand.


Maxi: (Walks in the room) E, I can't believe you forgot. (Approaches Jae)

E1965: Forget what? Did I miss a meeting?!

Jae: Why should I bother telling you about my plans?

E1965: JUST TELL ME!!!

Pam: (Whispers to Nicky) I think this stuff is personal.

Nicky: We'll give you guys some privacy. (The Thea Sisters move to the dining room)

E1965: So why is today so special, besides it being February the fourteenth?

Jae: I gave chocolates to You-Know-Who and I'm scared he'll figure out or something! (Starts sobbing slightly)

E1965: Him?

Jae: Yup.

Jin: Quick question, do you want me to kill someone?

Jae: (Stops sobbing) What? No.

Jin: Then why are you crying?

Jae: I don't know. I'm nerted.

E1965: Nerted? Is that another name you made up to call me a nerd?

Jae: No. It's a term we used in school. It's short for nervous and excited.

Maxi: Why?

Jae: Cause I don't know if he'll find out who gave it to him, I don't know if he likes someone else andIcertainlyhopehedoesnotandI'mscaredhe'llthinkit'sanothergirlandthey'llbetogetherandgetmarriedandIwon'tgetmyhappilyeverafter!

E1965: Wait, get married? Jae, you're too young for that!

Jae: So? Can't I dream?

Maxi: Why "happily ever after"?

Jae: I've been reading a lot of fantasy stories, okay?!

E1965: Did you even give him the chocolates?

Jae: Yes! You were right in front of me, how on earth did you not notice?

E1965: Never mind. I probably wasn't aware of it... or I just forgot.

Jae: Whatever! I just hope this turns out okay.

Jin: Me too. You might get crazy and kill people like a Yandere! Or me!

Maxi: Hold on, you kill people? I thought you were joking!

Jin: Who jokes about killing people?

Maxi: I always thought you did!

E1965: (Glares at Jin and Maxi) Not helping. And by the way, Maxi, one of Jin's crazy hobbies is choking you when she's stressed.

Jin: Well, who cares?!

Maxi: Wait, what's your problem again?

Jae: I'm scared he'll take it the wrong way. Wait, why am I consulting you guys?

E1965: What do you mean?

Jae: You guys never liked anyone.

E1965: True. Besides, for me, the You-know-who you're talking about is annoying. When I was heading for afternoon enrichment class earlier...

*Memory Sequence starts*

You-know-who: (Goes to E1965 while she's reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) What are you reading? (E1965 is caught by surprise and glares at You-know-who)

*Memory Sequence ends*

Jae: Who cares about your opinion, E?!

E1965: (Lowers her gaze) You always say that. (The three remain silent for a few awkward seconds) So... this... is...

Jae and Maxi: ... Awkward... (Both of them turn to each other very quickly) Jinx!

E1965: Yeah... That... You have any dare for us, Jae?

Jae: Huh. As a matter of fact, yeah. I dare you and Maria to do the smoothie challenge!

E1965: Okay. I'll get Maria, you get the stuff ready. (Walks to Maria's room)


E1965: (Grabs a piece of paper from the bowl)(Looks at the number on the paper) Number five, Jae. (Jae tosses a paper bag labeled '5' at E1965)(Looks inside the bag, which has an orange in it) so far so good, Maria. Your turn. (Maria grabs a piece of paper from the bowl, and finds it labeled with the number '12')

Maria: Number twelve! (Jae tosses to her a bag labeled '12')(Looks inside, to find an onion inside) Wait, I'm really supposed to put this in a smoothie?!

Jae: (Devil horns appear on her head)(Smirks evilly) Yup!

Maria: Eww... this is gonna be disgusting...


                     The rather weird and disgusting smoothies are ready for someone to taste...

Maria: (Smirks evilly) I know just who to give this one to...

E1965: I do too... (Casually, to Jin (WARNING! If ever you meet Jin in person, DO NOT give her a smoothie that has an orange, gummy bears, a slice of banana, a piece of bacon, and raw chicken in it. Unless you want to kill yourself, do not. Do NOT do it)) Oh, Jin...

Jin: (Walks into the scene) What.

E1965: Try this smoothie. (Jin takes a sip of E1965's smoothie, and spits it out on the floor)


E1965: You'll have to guess it.

Jin: Guess it, my ***! (Chases E1965 around the house, and drops the smoothie on the floor)

Maria: (To herself) So Jin is totally out of the picture... Aha! (Calls Violet) Oh Vi~!


Violet: (At the Arendelle church) This has to be good.

Maria: I wonder what's taking her so long. (Hears footsteps coming from outside)(Hides behind a column) This is it.

Violet: (The friar enters the church and does not notice Violet) Nah, it's just the friar. (Hears the sound of high heels clicking on the pavement coming from outside) Now what? (Elsa walks into the church) Now! (Maria places the smoothie on a pew)(Hides next to Maria) Now we wait.

Elsa: (Notices the smoothie) What the...? (Reads the note on the smoothie) "To my Royal Highness. Please enjoy this smoothie I made for you. I thought of leaving it here because I am very busy. Anyway, enjoy." Aw, how considerate! (Takes a sip, and rapidly spits the smoothie out (a little something made of sour gummies, an onion, mushrooms, raw corn, and raw fish, among other ingredients) EWW!! WHO MADE THIS?!?! (Violet and Maria jump to the wooden beams at the top of the church)

Violet: (To Elsa in a sinister tone) Like it, Your Highness?

Maria: Enjoy! (Both of them jump out of the open window and take a portal back to the house)(The portal closes)

Back at the house...

Maria: That was awesome!

Maxi: (Sarcastically) As awesome as Jae fainting from lovestruck-ness?

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