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E1965: (Goes to the living room) Suns up, and I got to get some (Spots a letter on the desk) daaaares... (Reads the letter) I dare E to pull a prank on Nicky using her hoodie, ketchup, and ice cubes. -Jae (Violet enters the living room and E1965 closes the letter and puts it back into her pocket)

Violet: Hey, E. Any dares?

E1965: Yeah, but I have to wait for the others down here. Where's Nicky?

Nicky: (Enters the living room) I'm right here! How about you spill the dare, E?

E1965: Not until everyone's here.

Pam and Colette: (Enter the living room) What's going on?

E1965: Is everyone here?

Everyone else: Yes.

E1965: Alright, here's the dare! From my friend Jae, I dare all of you to play the game Guess the Movie!

Nicky: And the rules?

E1965: I'll tell you the sypnosis of a movie, and you'll have to guess the movie. The person unable to guess the film will have to do the punishment I tell you to do. (Looks at Nicky) Nicky's wearing a hoodie, which is perfect. Jae, (Nicky walks to the kitchen to have breakfast) if Nicky goes bananas from getting pranked, you'd better hide. Paulina!

Paulina: (Runs to E1965) Yeah, E?

E1965: I'll have to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.

Paulina: Sure. What is it?

E1965: (Looks around to make sure no one is watching)(Shows Paulina the letter) The game was just a cover for the prank my friend dared me to do. (Paulina reads the letter)

Paulina: (After a pause) I love it. Let's do it!


E1965: Okay. Let's start with.... Pam!

Pam: Fire away!

E1965: Here's the sypnosis. A group of heroes team up to defeat the Norse god of mischief.

Pam: Uuuhhh....

E1965: Ten! Nine! Eight! Did I forget to mention that you only have one guess? Seven!

Pam: Avengers!

E1965: That is... correct!

Pam: Phew!

E1965: Paulina! Here's your movie! An American congressman's life is changed forever when God asks him to build an ark.

Paulina: Oh Gouda, what movie is it? It's right at the tip of my tongue!

E1965: Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!

Paulina: Evan Almighty!

E1965: That is correct!

Paulina: That was close! (Secretly slips the ice cubes in Nicky's hoodie)

E1965: Nicky! Here's your movie! Donnie Yen brings a Wing Chun grandmaster to life as he fights his way through the Second Sino-Japanese War!

Nicky: Out of all movies, E, WHAT MOVIE IS THIS?!?!?!?!

E1965: Ten! Nine! Violet, I can see you smiling. No coaching!

Violet: I know.

E1965: Eight! Seven! Six!

Nicky: I give up!

E1965: Are you sure? You have to do my punishment!

Nicky: Yeah! Whatever, I just want to know what movie it is!

E1965: The answer is—

E1965 and Violet: Ip Man!

Nicky: Oh.

E1965: Here's the punishment. Wear your hoodie.

Nicky: That's it? E1965, out of all the punishments you can think of, this one is totally simple. It's not even a- (Wears her hoodie, and the ketchup-coated ice cubes bonk her in the head, hard) YYYYOOOOWW!!!! (Everyone bursts out laughing)(Removes her hoodie, to find the ice cubes in it) E! You slipped these in here?

E1965: It was the secret dare! Guess the Movie was a cover for the real dare: to pull a prank on you with ice cubes, ketchup, and your hoodie!

Paulina: (To Nicky) I slipped the cubes in, by the way.

Nicky: So wait, the game isn't really a dare? (E1965 gives her the letter from earlier)

E1965: See for yourself! (Nicky reads the letter silently)

Nicky: Jae, if I find you, you will pay...

E1965: By the way, there is another dare from Jae! She says, I dare everyone to prank call the Big Five!

Violet: Who the flip is the Big Five?

Maria: The Big Five consists of Elsa, Queen of Arendelle; Merida, the firstborn of DunBroch; Rapunzel, princess of Corona; Jack Frost, the guardian of fun; and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, recent chief of Berk.

Violet: Elsa?

Nicky: Yeah, your buddy from when you fell into her dimension by accident once.

Violet: I haven't contacted her ever since. Now is the perfect time to do so!

E1965: Who's gonna dial?

Violet: I'll do it. I stole her chocolates once, and now it's the right time to come clean. (Dials on a cellphone) Hello? Can I speak to Elsa, please?

Guy: Sure!

Violet: (Disguises her voice) Hello, Elsa.

Elsa: Who is this?

Violet: Someone from your past. Do you remember? (Smirks)

Elsa: Nope, I don't know anyone with that kind of voice you have.

Violet: Do you remember any missing treats?

Elsa: There is one, when some of my chocolates disappeared. (Sighs) Chocolates....

Violet: Well, I should tell you that, you can reopen and close that case.

Elsa: What? What are you talking about?

Violet: I have to come clean. It was me. I was the one who stole the chocolates.

Elsa: What?! Give those back!

Violet: Cry me a river and make me a bridge, because no matter how hard you look, no matter how hard you try, you'll never find me. I'm dimensions away from you! And besides, I already ate those. I stole those a long time ago! The only thing you can do is simple: Cry me a river, and make me a bridge! (Hangs up)(Everyone bursts out laughing)(In a normal voice, in between giggles) Did you hear that?!

Nicky: (In between giggles) She sounded pretty ticked!

Kumi: (Stops laughing)(Watches everyone else laughing, even rolling on the floor) Thanks for the dares, Jae! Comment down on the comment section below what dares you want us to do next! That's all for now, and thanks for watching!

Ask and Dare the E. Thea Sisters!Where stories live. Discover now