Revenge Has Never Been Sweeter...

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Gunter: (Paces back and forth next to the door) Wenk! (I can't believe it!) Wenk! (After all those years, she finally found out how to use a phone!) Wenk. (I still remember those days when I had to teach her how to use a phone.) Wenk! (And her roommate was so cute and close to my height (excluding the hair), I still can't believe she built a power-packed robot!)(Sighs) Wenk... (Those good old days...)

Violet: (Sits down on the sofa with a book in her hand) Are you waiting for your friend, Gunter?

Gunter: Wenk. (Yup.)(Receives another text message)(Reads the message)

Gunter's message: I'll be there in a few hours.

Jae: (Jumps down from the inner balcony on the second floor to the couch on the first floor) I wonder who your friend is going to be, Gunter. (Squeals with excitement) It might be Gunthalina, or Jake, or any of the penguins!

Gunter: (Rolls his eyes) Wenk. (It's obviously not going to be any of my boys.) Wenk. (If they were coming over, then that means that Simon sent them.) Wenk? (And besides, which among my boys lives in a barn?)

Jae: Good point.

E1965: (Walks down the stairs) Jae, did you jump off the inner balcony again?

Jae: (Casually) How do you know?

E1965: One of the glass panes protecting the inner balcony is out of place again. (Jumps off the stairs at the intersection of the two flights, and lands silently in the middle of the living room) Anyway, are you ready?

Jae: Ready! I was actually wondering what you guys have in store for me.

E1965: (Snickers) Yeah.

*Memory Sequence starts*

E1965: Hey, Jae! I have a dare.

Jae: What is it?

E1965: I dare you to spin around in circles for five minutes straight!

Jae: What? E, you know that I suffer from vertigo, right?

E1965: That's the point!

Jae: Alright fine. (Spins around in circles for twenty-five seconds before falling on the floor)

E1965: Twenty-five seconds!

Xia: Dude, you okay there?

Jae: (Dazed) Everything is spinning around!

E1965: Yep, she's dazed.

*Memory Sequence ends*

Violet: Let's get started!

Nicky: (Enters the living room with Paulina, Colette, and Pam) Get started with what? (Violet winks at her) Oh.

E1965: Jae, I have a dare for you!

Julianna: What is it now?

E1965: I DARE you to... (Pauses dramatically) spin around in circles for a whole minute!

Jae: (O_O) E, we've been through this before. I can't even stand twenty-five seconds of spinning around. Remember?

E1965: Don't worry. It's not five minutes of spinning, it's only one.

Jae: Alright, you got me.

E1965: And besides, if you don't do it, you have to eat one cupful of cinnamon!

Jae: Okay, okay. (Starts spinning around, and E1965 times her)

Violet: (Whispers to E1965) This is perfect, E.

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