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Andrew: (He and the others (except Violet, E1965, and Elsa) walk back from the backyard)(Stretches his flippers) Whew! Nothing better than good old training to get your body all pumped up!

Matthew: Hey, isn't it past ten hours already?

E1965: (Checks her watch) Come to think of it, it is! They should've been out of there two hours ago!

Matthew: (Tries but fails to open the door) It's stuck!

Andrew: What? That's not an electric door. It should be able to open!

Alan: What on earth is goin' on here? (Starts glowing) Whoa.

Andrew: Alan, you're evolving!

Alan: (Alan evolves into Wartortle) Alright! I can get used to this.

E1965: Great!

Daniel: I-I can help! M-maybe if I u-use E-Ember on the door and M-Matt kicks it, m-maybe the door will open! (Spits a lot of steaming-hot embers at the movie room's door, setting a small fire on the door) Now! (Matthew kicks the door really hard, but the door doesn't budge) Awh....

Andrew: (Uses Bubble Beam to put out the fire) I think we'll need a new strategy.

E1965: (Snaps her fingers) That's it! Andrew and Daniel, charge up your Ember and Bubble Beam. Pericles and Matt, prepare your Quick Attack and Double Kick! Pericles and Matt, go! (Pericles and Matt charge at the door with their wings and legs (respectively) emitting a trailing white light) Andrew, Bubble Beam on Pericles! Daniel, Ember on Riolu's Double Kick! Go! (Andrew spits bubbles at Pericles, boosting his Quick Attack; while Daniel spits embers at Riolu's feet, setting them on fire and energizing it)(Riolu and Pericles hit the door at the same time, shattering the door to pieces, but revealing an electronic metal door behind it) Dang it.

Alan: (Uses Water Gun on the leftover parts of the wooden door) What now?

E1965: I have no idea.

Violet: As far as I know, that door is made of solid steel, and even I can't break through it.

E1965: We'll need an Aron if we're going to knock that door down.

Daniel: M-maybe not. (Starts glowing) M-maybe th-this will help!

E1965: This is it! (Daniel evolves into Combusken) Yeah, boy!!! This will definitely help!

Violet: (Confused) How did you guys become eligible for evolution?

E1965: Training (especially with me) does that.

Violet: Okay, I've got another idea!

Andrew: Me too! This time, I'll use Whirlpool, toss it in the air, and use Bide as it comes back down. Matt, use Vacuum Wave on me just as the Whirpool is about to hit me. Then, you and Daniel use Double Kick on the Whirlpool when it lands on me. Afterwards, Pericles can use Quick Attack, and Alan can use Aqua Jet to merge attacks with Pericles.

Violet: No way! That was my idea, too!

Andrew and Violet: Awesome! Jinx! JINX AGAIN!!!

E1965: (Snickers) It's worth a shot. Andrew, now! (Andrew charges a Whirlpool and tosses it in the air) Bide! (Andrew curls into a ball and glows with a white light) Matt, now! (Matthew shoots a concentrated blast of wind at Andrew just as the Whirlpool is practically touching Andrew's head, charging Andrew's Bide)(The Whirlpool smacks into Andrew, causing it to glow an oceanic bluish white tint, with Andrew (who's shimmering from the energy reaction) in the center) Now! (Matthew and Daniel use Double Kick on the Whirlpool, sending it flying at the door) Alan and Pericles, now! (Alan shrouds himself in a trail of water, and Pericles uses Quick Attack and flies into the Aqua Jet, giving it a glowing white tint)(The two attacks smack into the wall, kicking up a lot of dust)(The dust clears, to find the door slightly dented)

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