Comedic Shorts, Vik Edition

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Setting: Viktorya's house.

(Veni and Orchid are sitting beside each other at the dining table, minding their own business. Veni is trying to sleep to no avail, and Orchid is fidgeting with her dragon horn nubs. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Veni sits up and she and Orchid turn to each other.)

Veni and Orchid: So.... what do you wanna do? Who-ho, that's crazy. Man, we've been spending too much time together, like dang...... (Both of them look at each other confusedly.) Like daaaaannnnnngggggg......... DDAAAAAAAAANNNNNG!!! Okay, stop copying me! STOP COPYING ME!!! (Both of them turn away from each other) .... Dude......... This is kinda freaking me out..... (Both of of their faces tense, both creeped out by this peculiar situation. They think for a little while before they turn back to each other) Okay, you stop talking and I'll say something. (A brief silence ensues.) Say something! No, you don't talk, I will! No! YOU!! YOU DON'T TALK!!! *** **** IT! (They both calm down and turn back towards the camera.) Okay, seriously, what the ****? (Both of them go silent, lost in thought. They then turn to each other at exactly the same time.) I got it! Say something completely random! Ready? One, two, three! BANANARAMA!! WHAT THE ****?!? WHY WOULD YOU THINK TO SAY THAT TOO?!?! IT'S NOT EVEN A REAL WORD!!! Okay, let's just not talk. (They both turn away from each other again, shaking their heads in annoyance. The head-shaking quickly turns to eyes darting back and forth rapidly in an attempt to not suffer awkwardness. They eventually sigh (at the same time) before turning back to each other.) Okay, it's gotta be over now. ****!!! I know! Let's uh.... text each other instead. (Both of them bring out their phones and text "Bananarama" to each other and send it to each other at exactly the same time.) WHY THE **** WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT AGAIN?! IT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE!! THIS HAS TO STOP NOW!!! I'm serious! Stop! STOP!!!! I'MTALKINGSOFASTYOUCAN'TPOSSIBLYKEEPUPWITHWHATI'MSAYING! DAMMIT!! AAAAHH!!!! (Both of them roar dragon roars at each other) EVEN ANIMAL NOISES?!? COME ON!!! (Both of them make dragon purrs at the same time) ****!!! That's (Both of them pound on the table with both fists at the same time as they get up) IT!!!

*someone hold them back*

Veni and Orchid: I'm gonna knock you out so I don't have to hear your stupid voice saying everything I'm saying! Eat this, *****!! (Both of them charge at each other with a fist ready, only for them to realize......) Wait, I dunno how to punch! (They both cross each other without hitting each other.) Whoa—

Orchid: (Orchid accidentally face-plants into the wall.) OWWWW!!! (She falls to the floor and knocks out.)

Veni: (She whirls around at the sound of Orchid hitting the floor. Veni remains silent for a while before breaking into a sigh of relief and an exhausted fit of laughter as the camera pans away from Orchid.) It's finally over...... (Orchid dressed in a police outfit suddenly bursts out from offscreen.)

Orchid: (In a slightly gruffer voice) STOP RIGHT THERE!!! WHY DID YOU MURDER HER?!?

Veni: Whoa, you got it all wrong, man. Something really weird happened, we all started saying something at the same time and it was driving us crazy, but..... (She cracks into an unsettling grin.) Now it's over..... (She takes Orchid's shoulders and shakes them joyously) IT'S FINALLY OVER!!!

Orchid: Whoa! (She accidentally drops her gun.)

Veni and Orchid: Oh, lemme get it. (Both of them hit each other's heads.) Oof.. sorry about that. Did you just say the same thing I said? It's happening again............ (Both of them collapse to their knees on the floor) NOOOOOOOO!!!! (Both of them take a deep breath at the same time.) AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!

Viktorya: And so the talking curse continued for years on end. So children, be wary, for if ever you speak at the same time with someone else, the curse might fall on—

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