Comedic Shorts, Ep. 3

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Setting: The store section of Matt's smithy.

(Matt and Andrew are sitting in the smithy late at night, waiting for one of Matt's clients (who said he would arrive for his order that day). Both of them are sitting on the counter, both are bored as heck and have nothing to do.)

Andrew: Yeesh, he's out late.

Matt: I know, right? People don't have their order out ready for them and then they decide to come for it at night!

Andrew: Night shift's kinda nice, though. It's not as busy.

Matt: Kinda boring though, since my apprentices aren't here for us to fill orders...

Andrew: Good point.


Matt: ... Andrew, is it okay if I disrupt your moment's peace by asking you to take out the trash? (He hands Andrew a small bagful of unused (and unusable) tamahagane.)

Andrew: Alright! (He takes the bag from Matt's paw and moves towards the door, singing a little tune on his way.) Takin' out the trash, I'm takin' out the trash at night. (He stops at the door.) You mean outside, right?

Matt: Yeah, that's where the dumpster is.

Andrew: I dunno, Matt... It's kinda dark outside...

Matt: (He looks outside the door, and his face slowly contorts into a smug grin.) But I thought you liked the night shift. Unless you're too chicken to face the "dark night sky" part of the job.

Andrew: Yeah I like the night shift, and I'm not a chicken! Watch me! (He takes a deep breath, and then he bolts out of the store, throws the contents of the bag in the trash, and runs back inside, all while screaming and flailing his empty flippers in a frenzy.)(He reenters the shop in a hyperventilating mess, before calming himself and assuming a confident pose.) See? That was easy!

Matt: So you're not scared?

Andrew: Pfft, no way!

Matt: Well... I am... 'specially after... (He looks around furtively before gulping.) Y'know...

Andrew: Huh?

Matt: You don't know? It was all over the news!

Andrew: What?

Matt: I don't think I should answer that question. It might ruin the night shift for you... (He looks at Andrew sympathetically before turning away and cracking into a sly grin.)

Andrew: (He jumps onto Matt's desk and prods Matt some more.) What happened what happened what happened?!

Matt: So you mean to tell me you don't know the— uh... (He thinks for a brief moment before continuing.) the Ash-Springing Splasher?!

Andrew: (He raises a nonexistent eyebrow in confusion.) The Splash-Springing Asher?

Matt: (He says in a very dramatic voice.) The ASH-SPRINGING SPLASHER.

Andrew: The Sash-Ringing...? the Trash-Singing, Hash-Slinging, the Flash-Pinging.... ringing, the Cr-Crash-Dinging, d-uhhh...?

Matt: Yes. The Ash-Springing Splasher. HOWEVER, most people just called him the A— (He breaks into a yelp.) because that's all they have time to say... before he GETS THEM!!!

Andrew: (He gasps.) TELL ME THE STORY!!!

Matt: Years ago... at my master's smithy, the Ash-Springing Splasher used to be my apprentice. He was a kid... just like you... ONLY TALLER, WHINIER AND CLUMSIER!

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