Vi on Tea Withdrawal Is Somehow Normal

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E1965: Nicky and Violet, we got a dare! (Nicky and Violet approach her, surprisingly in Japanese schoolgirl outfits) You guys are not Yandere Simulator fans, right?

Nicky and Violet: What do you mean by "you guys"? I'm- (Both of them stare at each other's clothes) Oh.

E1965: Anyway, @Bish_Im_Fabulous says, I dare Nicky to act like a girl and look like a girl, and Violet not to drink tea for a whole week!

Nicky: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there, E, but how long am I going to (Makes air quotation marks) "act like a girl and look like a girl?"

E1965: Think you can handle the whole episode?

Nicky: I guess so.

E1965: And Violet, you can't drink tea for an entire week.

Violet: I'm cool with that. It's not like I'm some sort of drunkard on withdrawal process.

E1965: You know what I think would be the dumbest question you would ever ask, Nicky?

Nicky: What?

E1965: What do they mean by "look like a girl?" (Violet bursts out laughing)

Nicky: What kind of doofus would ask that question? I mean, it's not like this schoolgirl outfit would be would be worn by a boy, would it? (E1965 laughs along with Violet)


Violet: (Stands up and looks around) Where's Nicky?

E1965: I don't know. (Paulina walks out of her room)

Paulina: Hey, guys! We got a videochat with Ruby!

Violet: Really?

Paulina: Yeah! Come on, I'll show you! (Everyone goes into Paulina's room) Vi, hide. I don't want Ruby to see you. (Violet does so, and watches the videochat at a safe angle)(To Ruby) You were saying, Ruby?

Ruby: Where's Violet?

Paulina: I think she's (Looks at the door) still asleep.

Ruby: Still asleep? It's nine o' clock in the morning!

Paulina: Violet is not a morning mouse. Why are you asking about her, anyway?

Ruby: I'm still going to tie her tail into the biggest knot ever, ever since she nominated me to do the stupid ice bucket challenge!

Paulina: You did it?

Ruby: Yeah, we did it! It was so cold, our hair got frizzy, and Nicky owes us ten bucks for the conditioner!

Paulina: Yeah, I'll just tell her about it. You know you'll have to donate like, forty bucks each to the hospital, right?

Ruby: WHAT?!?!?!

Paulina: Yeah! Come on, Ruby. Your family is rich! You can cover that amount easily! (Looks behind Ruby, to find the Ruby Crew serving pie) Hey, Ruby, what's that thing behind you?

Ruby: What's behind me? (Whirls around, and the pie almost hits her in the face) Whoa! (To the Ruby Crew) Watch where you're aiming that thing! (Paulina stifles her laughter)

Paulina: You know, I'll just leave you alone for (Turns the videochat off) now. That was beautiful. (Bursts out laughing)

Violet: (Comes out of her hiding place) Yeah! That was hilarious! (Maria, Pam, and Nicky walk into the room)

Maria: Hi, sis! Wanna have a paintball fight?

Paulina: Sounds good to me. (To Nicky) What do you say, Nick?

Nicky: No thank you! I'm not getting my nice shirt dirty! (Everyone except E1965 and Violet look at her, shocked)

Violet: Dares. (Nicky leaves the room)

Paulina: Okay...... Let's just get to the fight!

Violet: Hold that thought! I have to change my clothes!

Later, outside...

E1965: Red team, are you ready?

Paulina and Pam: Yeah!

E1965: Blue team, are you ready?

Violet and Maria: Yeah!

E1965: Okay, rules are simple: When you get hit, you're out; and you can't use anything outside the field. The first team to run out of players or lose their team flag will lose the game! (Steps away from the field) On your mark, (Opens the sliding door to the dining room) get set, (Enters the dining room) GO!!! (Closes the door tight, and watches them fight)(Pam starts the game, by flinging paintballs at Violet)

Pam: Eat this, Vi! (Violet dodges, grabs a bamboo stick and easily deflects the paintballs Pam throws at her) No fair! E, call that!

Violet: What? The rules never said anything about using a shield!

Paulina: (Maria sneaks to the red team's flag, but Paulina throws a paintball at her) Oh no you don't, sis! (Maria dodges the ball and gets payback by throwing a ball at Paulina, eliminating her from the game)(Wipes the paint off her goggles) For the love of cheddar, Maria! You got me!

Violet: (Continues deflecting the paintballs) Come on! I can do this all da- (Gets hit, eliminating her from the game) Augh!Gosh dangit! (Maria and Pam start throwing balls at each other while dodging their opponent's balls)

Maria: You're going down!

Pam: That's what you think! (Maria grabs Violet's stick, and uses it as a vault to lift herself up to a new level, and starts flinging balls from there) E, come on!!! (Flings a ball at Maria, who ducks just in time, and slides down from the stick like a pole)

Maria: There! How's that? (Flings a final ball at Pam, eliminating her from the game, leaving Maria as the victor)

E1965: Nice one, Maria! (Walks back into the field and high-fives Maria)


     Everyone is trying to beat each other in an extreme do not laugh challenge. E1965 and Nicky have been eliminated, and the rest are struggling not to laugh at the video they're watching.

*The scene where the baby is unable to cannonball into his pool, and instead slams his butt into a wire*

Thea Sisters: (Bites their tongues to prevent laughing) Owie.

Pam: That's gotta leave a mark.

*The scene where a Goldilocks cosplay girl turns away from a house at the sight of a guy wearing a Scream mask (with the horror music)*

Pam: (Bursts out laughing) Dangit!

*The scene where a kid has an epic fail in vaulting*

Paulina and Colette: (Both of them burst out laughing) Why do you do this to us?!

*The scene where a kid dressed as Batman is chased away from a house by a fat dog*

Everyone except Violet: (Violet bursts out laughing) FINALLY!!!

Nicky: You know, guys, I'm getting bored!

E1965: I agree. Let's just end the episode now.

Violet: Okay... Thanks for the dare, @Bish_Im_Fabulous! Comment down on the comment section below to give us questions or dares! That's all for now, and

Everyone: Thanks for watching!

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