Doomsday is Here

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Nicky: (Paces around in the living room nervously) What do we do?

Lily: (While polishing her katana) I'm not that sure. We just have to wait for E to get back, I guess.

Nicky: Get back? But how can we wait for E while they're still out there, destroying dimensions and killing other Creators?

Violet: (Walks downstairs) What's going on here, you two? Is something wrong?

Andrew: (Falls from the second floor and lands safely on Violet's head) What happened? Did we win the battle?

Matthew: (Backflips off the second floor and lands clean in the living room) Yeah! (The other people in the house (except for Lillian, Sans, Frisk and Papyrus, who left; and Gunter, who decided to go back to the Ice Kingdom) gather around in the living room)

Nicky: (Looks at Lily sadly and turns back to look at the others) We...

Lily: (Sighs) We lost.

The other Thea Sisters except Nicky, Matthew, Andrew, and Daniel: Wait, WHAT?!?!?!

Nicky: Yeah, I know. We gave it our all in that fight, but they were too strong.

Lily: And now that Xia and Jae are gone, we knew that we had no choice but to escape.

Nicky: E went on an inter-dimensional marathon, sending messages and warning the other nearby dimensions. She told us that if they decided to make a quick, deadly stop here, we'd have to defend this dimension, even if it would cost our lives.

Andrew: (Climbs down Violet and stands beside Matthew) This is insane! A trope of World Creators losing to a crew of villains?!?!

Nicky: I know, but they were, after all, few of the most powerful and skilled villains that have ever existed.

Matthew: So... what are we gonna do now?

Lily: There was this... thing Nicky and I were planning to do, but we were not sure if it is going to work.

Matthew: What? You do know that plan could end up with you losing your lives, right?

Nicky: I know, but look. We already lost Yunaito. We already lost Jae. We already lost Xia and all her OCs. How much worse can it get? I'm afraid we have no other choice.

Matthew: Then at least let me help you.

Nicky: (After a while of thinking) Alright. (She, Lily, and Matthew look up at the skylight, and the glass orb suspended in the center)(Raises her hand up, but a black, inky tentacle suddenly bursts in the room and grabs her arm, pins it to her back, wraps around her waist, and lifts her three feet in the air) Aah!

Matthew: (Lily draws out her wakizashi, and Matthew summons a glowing, white bone) Nicky! (A blob of ink falls on the the floor, and a gloved, four-fingered hand pops out of it)

Violet: What the- (A very tall, black figure with black demon horns, a white (literally white, with a touch of deteriorated yellow (the color)) face, black ink covering his eyes, a toothy white grin, an averagely crooked back, a crooked white bow tie, a long, not-so-human left hand with an oversized (and stained with ink) white glove (along with his black pinky finger sticking out of the glove's pinky finger (again, the glove has four fingers), a more human right hand "painted" dirty white, and a deformed left leg emerges from the blob) Oh my gosh! Is that who I think it is?!?

Figure: (In a distorted and evil voice, and in a Brooklyn accent) MUAHAHAHA!!! I HAD FORGOTTEN HOW MUCH FUN THIS COULD BE!!!

Pam: (Growls) Bendy, you traitor!

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