Comedic Shorts, Ep. 4

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Setting: The house.

     (Matt (with Andrew sleeping on his head) is busy taking out the trash. He takes a big garbage bag outside, to find several zombies trudging around outside. Matt looks to the gate, to find it ajar. Someone runs past the gate frantically, running away from a horde of zombies. Matt stares at the scenery blankly before going back inside with the garbage bag still in his paw. He drops it near the door and walks away, only to be stopped by a knocking sound followed by signature zombie groaning. Matt cautiously answers the door, to find a zombie (also played by Matt) standing outside, groaning blankly. Matt stares at the zombie, then turns to the other zombies in the driveway before turning back to the zombie at the door. He stares at it blankly for a moment before speaking.)

Matt: .... Do you want something? (The zombie suddenly goes into an awkward coughing fit.)

Zombie: DANG! Um, I'm sorry, I was just passing by and I kinda saw you peeking out at us earlier—

Matt: I don't see what that has to do with me.

Zombie: I'm kinda hungry, so.......

Matt: I mean, we have (He pulls out a plate of Poképuffs from behind the door.) Poképuffs—

Zombie: I mean, I was kinda hoping for something a little bit different... *aHEM*

Matt: You good? You got something stuck in your throat?

Zombie: I mean, I'm trying to get my teeth stuck into yours....

Matt: ... Excuse me?

Zombie: Your neck looks appetizing. (Both Matt and the zombie stare at each other blankly for a moment. Andrew stirs a little on Matt's head and looks at Matt's companion confusedly.)

Andrew: Whuh...? (Matt holds up the dangling end of his scarf.)

Matt: That's a weird compliment, you can't even see my neck. (The zombie pauses for a moment.....)



Zombie: I'M STARVING!!!

Matt: AND MY BODY ISN'T FOOD!!! SO IT SEEMS LIKE WE (He flings the end of his scarf behind his back and crosses his arms sassily.) BOTH GOT PROBLEMS!!

Zombie: YOU KNOW WHAT?!?! (The zombie makes a loud snarl mixed with a bark that makes Matt close the door in his face out of fear. The zombie is left hanging outside the door as the screen cuts to black.)


Matt: Why am I playing both of the characters again?

E: Mostly for comedic effect, but also because the original video had one dude play both the characters. And that made it funny.

Matt: (Shrugs) Fair enough. (He turns to Andrew, who is still lying down on his head, and gently tries to pull him away from his head.) Andrew, get off my head now...

Andrew: Mnnnhhhhh..... (He grabs Matt's ears to anchor himself to his perch.) Noooo........ I like being on your head.... (E stifles her laughs at the scene.)

E: Guess you'll have to live with him latched onto your head for now.

Matt: Well, what else am I gonna do? Let him rip my ears off my head?

*the boi is on he stays on*

Violet: (Reciting the zombie's lines for recording Matt's part in the short where he isn't a zombie) I'M NOT PLAYING THESE GAMES!!


Violet: I'M STARVING!!!

Matt: AND MY BODY ISN'T FOOD!!! SO IT SEEMS LIKE WE BOTH GOT PROBLEMS!! (In his wild angry gestures, Andrew accidentally slips off of his head.)

Andrew: WHOA! (Matt grabs Andrew before he hits the floor.)

Matt: Gotcha!

*Andrew still didn't want to get off of Matt's head*

Matt: (Talking to E while Colette is doing his makeup for the zombie part) Remind me, how did you get that little head crab off my head again?

E: I offered him a place on my lap. Thank Irene I don't have any roles besides being a background character for the next thing we're gonna do.

Matt: Which is?

E: A request from my friend in Discord. A segment from "The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals". Name is very self-explanatory, and it's also gonna be Lily's debut for the Comedic Shorts series.

Lily: Which means that I'll have to wear a glass eye—

E: Which we had made for you—

Lily: — For the role of the cranky barista in the coffee shop.

Matt: That's gonna be fun.

*yes one way you can get Andrew off Matt's head is to offer him a place on my lap*

(Matt tries to make the zombie snarl, only to accidentally do the squeal he does in episode 3 again. Now everyone is laughing like crazy.)


*that happened a lot when the zombie filming was going on*

Matt: (E is sitting on the couch, gently stroking a tired Andrew sleeping on her lap.) So now you have to deal with the sloth sleeping on you, huh?

E: More or less. I don't mind, though.

Matt: Suit yourself.

*it's hard to not be okay with letting such an adorable baby sleep on your lap—*

Lily: (Matt is giggling like an idiot while reading the script for the next short, irritating Lily. She sighs in annoyance as she turns to Matt.) What.

Matt: You're gonna have to sing the tipping song— (Lily shoves Matt and his idiotic grin away.)

Lily: Shut up... (Matt doesn't stop giggling (if anything he just starts laughing more).)

Matt: And also you'll have to do the choreography for that segment— (Lily blasts him with a Force of Blizzard Fridjutzu spell.)

Lily: Don't make me rethink agreeing to this.


Video title: Zombie Apocalypse


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