Alternate Timelines: Round 2 (Electric Boogaloo)

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E1965: I still don't really see why you want to look at these. They're honestly empty most of the time, since Xia and Jae are busy doing their own thing.

Andrew: Yeah, but you also said that Viktorya drops by and makes comments frequently, so I've gotta see them!

E1965: Alright, fine... (Notices a video link in one of the comments) Huh. That's new.

Andrew: Let's see it! (Taps the link, and the link takes them to a clip of Viktorya and her alternate selves Rich, Ritchie, and Rey (the original one among the three (mildly confusing, I know, but stay with me here)), and another alternate Violet that Viktorya made reacting to the video)

Rich: I rate this a nine out of ten.

Ritchie Aetheria: The Pokémon were so cute! Honestly, though, (-_-) Matt's jokes remind of Nebula's during that one time we went out to the third sea...

Matthew: Hmph. Everyone's a critic.

Viktorya: I'm freaking out so badly right now. WE GOT A NEW EPISODE IN DA HOUSE, PEOPLE!!!

Andrew: It did take quite a while for that to happen. Thanks for the dares, by the way, otherwise we'd be offline enough to be on HIATUS!

E1965: I'm already more than lazy enough to put this on HIATUS.

Andrew: Yeah, well we're always here to keep things exciting so you wouldn't have a chance to even consider putting this series on HIATUS!

Rey: Eh. 'Ve probably read this for like, the fifth time while waiting for Lorna's episode three of her fan series and other stuff I'm into.

E1965: ... I don't know what to think of that sentence.

Andrew: Me neither.

Orchid (the nickname given to their Violet): So if I went up against her...

Ritchie: You dead. Big time.

Orchid: I could still beat you, though. I've got Shadow, Wind, and Astral powers on my side. What makes you think I'm weak? Clearly I'm stronger than you.

Ritchie: (Irritated) Excuse me?! Are you (A ball of light blue electricity is summoned in her hand) asking for an Aetherian lightning bolt to the face?!? Do you actually want me to wipe that stupid smug grin off your face?!?!?!?!

Orchid: Sorry, was that you, or was that static from the doorknob? (Smiles smugly)

Ritchie: (Snaps) WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!? I'LL KICK YOUR ***!!!

Orchid: I'd like to see that happen. (Disappears)



E1965: (._.) ... I've never seen any Violet act like that before.

Andrew: She almost seems... arrogant?

Matthew: Is that even right?

Andrew: I never thought that that personality suits her. It doesn't. At all.

Matthew: But seeing this Violet, I'd say it suits her appearance. She looks... edgy in that outfit and style.

E1965: Right?

Rey: (-_-) Sorry about these guys, E. They just can't stay calm for a few seconds. Take your time. We'll wait- (Ritchie interrupts her)


Rey: THEN GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!! Go to that bug boi you love so much! (>;3)

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