Comedic Shorts, Ep. 6: Incorrect Quotes Edition

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E: Hey guys! Editor E here, and we have a set of incorrect quotes here that was really just an excuse for Lily to make a fool out of— OWW!! OKAY, WE'RE STARTING THIS, YEESH!!!

Matt (who is in a Grinch costume): (To Andrew, who just swatted off a red Rudolph nose that Matt put on his beak) BRILLIANT!! YOU REJECT YOUR OWN NOSE, BECAUSE IT REPRESENTS THE GLITTER OF CONSUMERISM!!! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!? Cut, print, check the tape, moving on.

*ah yes symbolism*

Lily: (Groans sleepily) Finn, why are you calling me this late?

Finn: I need your help. (He looks at a demon he accidentally released from its urn.) I did something... bad....?

Lily: UuuuUUUGGGGGGHHHH.... Put the corpse on ice, I'm on my way...

Finn: Wait, what?! Th-that's not—! why would I—

*just don't die while you're at it will ya*

Lily: Andrew, we gotta talk about your professionalism.

Andrew: (Replies while hanging upside-down on the chandelier in the living room) Those are some pretty brave words coming from a one-eyed ninja standing in lava.

*I swear you are three stories off the ground please don't fall that chandelier is glass hanging off the ceiling—*

Matt: I'm such a confident driver.

E: You almost ran someone over!

Matt: Confidently.

*I swear I don't drive like that. — Totally not Matt*

Matt: (While manically driving a car on bumpy terrain) Oh you pretty chitty bang bang, chitty chitty bang bang we love you, and our pretty chitty bang bang pretty chitty bang bang loves us too! Hey ho, pretty chitty bang bang pretty chitty we depend! Bang bang chitty chitty bang bang, our fine, four-rendered friend! Bang bang chitty chitty bang bang, our fine, four fENDERED! CHITTY BANG BANG, CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG! CHITTY BANG BANG YEAH!!


Matt (as he is wearing E's coat with a fancy (yet unkempt) vest and shoddy necktie): (To Andrew, Eevee and Ninjeon) I must say, you are a gloomy-looking bunch.... why so glum?

Andrew: .... Our trainer just left us.

Matt: Ah, yes, of course. How very, very awful.... Wait, (He turns around and preps for a take two) let me do that one more time. Give me the line again. Quickly! While it's fresh in my mind. (Andrew and Eevee look at each other confusedly before Andrew says it again.)

Andrew: Our trainer just... left us? (Matt turns his head to whip it back forward with a dramatic hand gesture and a sharp exhale.)

Matt: Ah yes...!

Ninjeon: Ninje...? (Papa?)(Matt blows a raspberry in response and holds his paw to his chest, seemingly moved.)

Matt: Oh...! (He bends down and places both paws on Andrew and Eevee's shoulders.) I will raise these orphans like they were actually wanted. (He turns to Dan, who is twiddling his claws behind the three.) And though you may call it a burden, a sacrifice... you are misTAKEN, SIR! You should be (He goes up to a kneel.) ASHAMED of yourself! The (He suddenly pulls Andrew and Eevee to his side and turns them so they are facing Dan.) IDEA! (He suddenly jerks his head around while making random lip noises.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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