Pranks and Flashbacks

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E1965: Don't worry, Xia, it's fine.

Xia: Really?

E1965: Yeah. Just (Gives Xia a death glare (so scary, it puts Death himself to shame)) don't. Do it. Again.

Xia: (._.) Okay... Anyway, so I got a dare for you.

E1965: (Snaps out of her death quickly and casually) Oh? What is it?

Xia: You know my OC Alyia, right?

E1965: Yeah, what about her?

Xia: E, I dare you to pull a prank on her. Just don't let her son/friend/whatever-he-is-to-her know about it, because he'll kill you more than he wants to kill Joey.

E1965: (Smirks) I got just the thing...


Alyia: (Finds a note on her desk) Huh? (Reads it)

Note: Uh, hey Alyia, it's Bendy, and I'm in a bit of water right now at the warehouse next to the newspaper gazette. These fan girls can't stop going bananas over me! Help me!

Alyia: (Gasps) I'm coming, Bendy! (Runs out of the room)

At the gazette...

Alyia: (Notices Bendy) Bendy! Are you okay?! What happened?!? (Bendy starts glitching out for some reason) Bendy? (Bendy suddenly dissolves) WHAT?!?!?! BENDY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Figure: (Chuckles from a dark corner of the street nearby)(In a deep voice) I can't believe you fell for that one. That was a half-baked one right there.

Alyia: What? Where is Bendy? What did you do to him?!?

Figure: (Approaches Alyia, revealing a figure wearing a grey long-coat with upturned collars, a white shirt and maroon pants underneath, and a fedora on his head) Don't worry, he's alive and well. Because... (Rapidly swipes the fedora off his head, revealing E1965's face under the hat) YOU JUST GOT PRANKED, ALI!!!!

Alyia: Wha- (Starts chasing E1965 all over the place) COME BACK HERE, YOU SNEAKY LITTLE PRANKSTER!!!!!!


A week later...

Andrew: (Plopped on E1965's head while she is drawing on a sketchbook) Hey E, I was just wondering...

E1965: Yeah?

Andrew: When you went to... your dimension to spend time with your family, where did you go?

E1965: (Gently picks Andrew up from her head and brings him up to eye level)(Smiles) Ehhhh.... Subic.

*Memory Sequence starts*

                                          "We went to Subic together with some relatives on my mom's side, and there was this resort called the iCove beach resort (you can go there and rent a room to stay there and swim in the beach (if you're okay with the beach not being the cleanest of beaches out there) or the pool (if you're okay with it being absolutely FREEZING). Don't be discouraged by that, because there's free Wifi, comfy rooms, a non-alcoholic bar (thank Asgore for that), awesome food, and a relaxing view of the ocean (if you look past the occasional bits of trash popping up every now and then at the shore).) we stayed in for three days and two nights. There were some highlights to the trip, like this one time I went out to the waves with my parents and my brother, and we would spend time jumping over the waves as they came by. My brother was too short to do it on his own, so my dad had to carry him... and just randomly decided to wade a little farther. There was a big wave coming, and I was scared to death for my bro."

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