A LOT of Dares

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Matthew: Remind me why we are doing this again...

E1965: It was a dare that I completely forgot about for a year or two until I remembered it just now.

Andrew: If it given a year ago, then why are you doing it now?

E1965: Because a dare is a dare no matter how long you postpone it.

Andrew: Touché.

E1965: Violet's already waiting there, so we just need to get Elsa.

Matthew: Alrighty then! This should be easy! (Walks outside the house, only to almost get run over by a horse) WHOA, HOLY-

Elsa: (Riding on a horse made of water) Oh, I am so sorry, Matthew! Are you okay?

Matthew: Oh, Elsa! Hahah, yeah. I'm fine. We were just about to look for you, actually.

Elsa: Is it the sparring match I was meant to have with Violet?

Matthew: Yes! Exactly!

Elsa: Alright, then! (Dismounts from her horse, who disappears into a puddle on the floor)

E1965: Oh, Elsa! You're here! Like the new outfit.

Elsa: (Looks down at her white outfit (from Frozen II)) Why, thank you.

E1965: It suits you very well. Anyway, come on! Vi is waiting!

Later, in a plain...

E1965: Okay, you got the rules?

Violet: Aye-aye, E!

Elsa: I would like to see how much you've grown since we last met. (Dives into a battle stance)

Violet: Same for me! (Dives into a battle stance) You seemed to have changed a lot since we last met. I'd like to see exactly what changed.

E1965: Alright, then! To recap the rules, you may use any trick that is not dirty, try not to draw blood, and finally, whoever is completely incapacitated first wins. Now, without further ado, let the battle begin!

Violet: Let's see how you can take this! (Summons a swarm of water droplets, freezes them into pellets, and throws them all at Elsa, who simply disintegrates them all with one hand gesture, leaving Violet openmouthed) Wow. That was good, I gotta admit.

Elsa: My turn! (Summons a gigantic flurry and sends it flying towards Violet, who defends by overwhelming it with two tidal-sized waves made from water vapor)

Violet: Whoo boy! Here we go...


Andrew: Hey, E?

E1965: Yeah?

Andrew: I just have one question.

E1965: What is it?

Andrew: Didn't you say at one point that there was a World Creator who made an alternate version of us?

E1965: Yeah, Viktorya. What about her?

Andrew: Are (Points at the microchips on the coffee table) those from her?

E1965: Oh! I didn't notice that, actually. Uh, I guess they're from her. Lemme see what they are. (Inserts one of the chips into the holographic communicator)(A set of dares appears)

Message: I dare Violet to sing "Queen of Mean" from The Descendants, Colette to sing "Prom Queen", and for E, Jae, and the Thea Sisters to sing "Nightfalls".

E1965: Umm... I... don't know any of those songs...

Violet: Me neither.

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