Christmas Party!

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Violet: (Sits on a cloud as she hangs the garlands on the inner balcony) It's Christmas, you guys!

Nicky: (Decorates the Christmas tree with Paulina and Colette) I know, right? Time flies so fast!

Colette: (Instructing Nicky where to put the ornaments) Little higher with that glass ball, Nick— it's so exciting for us to have our annual Christmas party again!

Ezra: (Helping out Violet with the garlands) Pretty nice n' all for us to have this for our party n' stuff, but why are we havin' it on Christmas Eve? Shouldn't it be on Christmas Day?

Paulina: Oh, this is our noche buena party!

Ezra: Noche-wha?

Paulina: Noche buena! It's like a New Year's Eve countdown party, but for Christmas!

Ezra: And what exactly do you do in this party?

Nicky: Y'know, party stuff! We have gift exchanging, music, food, and games!

Ezra: Oh, is that why Pam and Andrew were cookin' a lot of food in the kitchen?

Paulina: Totally!

Colette: Wait, Ezra, have you never had a Christmas Eve party before?

Ezra: Christmas party in general, no. I haven't.

Violet: Why not?

Ezra: It was basically a suicide mission to cause any party-like hubbub where I lived. Even birthday parties gotcha unwanted visitors, and ya probably know what I mean by that.

Violet: So this is gonna be your first Christmas party?

Ezra: Yep.

Colette: Well, this is gonna be the best first Christmas party you'll have!

Ezra: Gee, thanks.

Eevee: (Carries the wreaths to the front door) You'll love it, Ezra. It's just so nice, and the air is filled with the warmth a fireplace can't compare to, ya got friends and family around ya, and you get so lost laughing and having fun that the time everyone has to go takes us by surprise.

Alan: (Eevee gives him a boost as he hangs the wreaths on the doors) It'll be a swell party, you'll see!

Ezra: Shucks. Now you're makin' me excited!

Daniel: (Passes ornaments to Nicky to hang on the tree)(Shyly) Wh-why wouldn't you be? I-it's a f-fun party!

Paulina: Yeah... (Sighs) I just wish E would make it.

Violet: She said she was really busy with World Creator business... she did say she'll try to make it, but I don't know. Judging by how serious the situation was, I don't think she'll be able to.

Nicky: Well, we'll just have to wait and see. E made it to all our Christmas parties before. I just bet she'll make it this year!

In the music room...

Matthew: (Strumming on his shamisen) Silent night... holy night... all is calm... all is bright... (Andrew enters the room, and Matthew immediately stops playing) Oh, hey, Andrew. Ready for practice?

Andrew: Yeah, it's just that... (Sighs) I'm just not used to the fact that E might not come later.

Matthew: Well, you heard her. She was quite busy.

Andrew: Yeah, I know, but things almost feel... incomplete without her.

Matthew: I know... either way, though, we have a party, and as people say, the show must go on. Who knows? Maybe she'll actually make it.

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