The Milestone Celebration

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The next day...

Violet: (While adjusting the decorations on the Christmas tree (what? We celebrate Christmas offscreen, guys!)) I can't believe we're finally having that milestone party!

Nicky: Yeah! And in tandem with our Christmas party for this year, this is perfect! (Looks at E1965, who is standing on a tall ladder and is hanging a sprig of mistletoe under the inner balcony) Uh, E, what's with the- (E1965 looks at Nicky and interrupts her)

E1965: Shh!! (Looks around furtively before climbing down the ladder and gesturing to Violet and Nicky to come close)(In a low voice, after Violet and Nicky come close) Okay, did you notice me arguing with Xia yesterday?

Violet: Yeah. What was that about?

E1965: You see, she gave me a dare, and it's a really hardcore one.

Nicky: What is it?

E1965: A mistletoe prank.

Violet: On who?

E1965: On my three favorite ships.

Violet: And they are...

E1965: (Looks around nervously) Nfmboesfx, Tzmojokz, and..... (Sighs) Kzmfp.

Violet: Well, good thing I had enough wits to send the repair boy an invitation!

Colette: Hey, guys, what's going on?

E1965: Oh, nothing! We were just talking about our musical numbers for later.

Colette: Oh, okay.

E1965: Also, Vi, we have to practice for later!

Violet: (Smacks her forehead) Of course! I forgot about today's practice! (She, Nicky, and E1965 run upstairs) Catch ya later, Coco!

Colette: (Shrugs) Well, I guess I'd better get my outfit ready for tonight. (Walks upstairs, to her room)

In Andrew and Matthew's room...

Andrew: (To Matthew) What should I wear for tonight? A mid-1800s-style suit (Andrew likes outfits from that era, since they're casual and fancy at the same time), or a good old tux?

Matthew: (Rolls his eyes with a smile) Since when were you so sensitive about your outfit?

Andrew: (Blushes bright pink) Umm....

Matthew: (Smirks mischievously) Oh, I know what's going on. Meloetta's coming to the party, isn't she?

Andrew: (Blushes bright red) Uhh....

Matthew: Well, since it's not really a formal event, I suggest the mid-1800s, with a bit of velvet on the collar to put a bit of formality to it.

Andrew: (Grabs his mid-1800s suit from his drawer and grabs a piece of dark olive velvet cloth) Actually, yeah! Matt, you're a genius! (Tucks the cloth in at the collar and the vest, like a fancy little bib) Didn't you choose your outfit?

Matthew: (Gestures to a black-and-blue khat hanging next to his hammock (those two sleep in hammocks 'cause they're used to it)) I already did. It was a Breeze, really.

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