Comedic Shorts, Ep. 1

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E1965: Okay, so since it seems that you guys liked the pilot (and I found a little nostalgic short I wanted to put here), here is the official first episode of Comedic Shorts! Hold on to your butts, boys, because this one is a Memorial Monday! Enjoy!

Setting: The living room.

(E1965 is standing in front of the door in the living room, drinking a glass of hot milk with a nonchalant, bored look on her face. Ezra flies down from the attic and lands at the foot of the stairs, looking around as if he's lost something. He then asks E1965 a question.)

Ezra: E, have ya seen my copy of the greatest book of all time?

E1965: Maximum Ride?

Ezra: (Excited, he runs to E1965's side.) The Angel Experiment, yeah.

E1965: (She talks in a relatively monotone voice.) Pretty sure it fell in the hole.

Ezra: What hole? (He then notices the gaping hole at E1965's feet.) O-oh my GOSH!!! (A loud dramatic sting is heard in the background somewhere.) What is that?!

E1965: It's a hole.

Ezra: Y-yeah, I can see that. What's it doin' there?!?!

E1965: Well, I woke up this morning... (She takes a very long slurp from her cup. When she lowers the cup from her mouth, a little milk mustache is seen above her lips.) ... then there was a hole.

Ezra: What're you gonna do 'bout it?

E1965: Well, I threw a rug over it... [Dramatic sting.] Yeah, it fell in the hole.

Ezra: Should we call the smokies or something?

E1965: Oh yeah, I called the police, yeah.

Ezra: Well, where are they?

E1965: They're in the hole. [Dramatic sting.]

Ezra: (He looks around for a while before speaking up again.) Where's Andrew? (A mild look of guilt washes over E1965's face.) E, where is Andrew?

E1965: (The guilty look completely disappears as she answers very quickly.) He's at work.

Ezra: (He relaxes, relieved.) Oh, where does he work?

E1965: (A guilty grin faintly reveals itself on E1965's face as she speaks through gritted teeth.) In the hole... [Dramatic sting.]

Ezra: (He jumps back in horror.) GAH!!! How deep even is this thing?!? (He snatches E1965's mug and drops it into the hole. Xia's Eevee approaches the hole and peers into it.)

E1965: That was my favorite mug... (Eevee falls into the hole by accident.)

Eevee: AAAHH!!!

E1965: ... Now it's in the hole. [Short dramatic sting.]

Ezra: E, do you even know what this is?! Like, for all we know, it could be an interdimensional wormhole, o-or a gateway to heck! Or- or— (He suddenly realizes that E1965 is gone.) E? (He looks around in confusion.) E?! (Assuming the worst, he screams into the hole in horror.) E!!!!

E1965: (She suddenly appears back in the spot she was in, playing with an apple.) Hey, what's up? I got a snack. (She chomps into the apple nonchalantly.)

Ezra: E, would you please take this seriously?! (A grimy hand suddenly reaches out from inside the hole with a loud zombie-like snarl, taking Ezra completely by surprise.) AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! WHAT IS THAT?!?!! WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?! (E1965 calmly and emotionlessly summons a revolver in her hand and shoots a whole round of bullets at the hole until the hand sinks back into the hole with a dead gurgle.) What in the Sam-hill was that?!?!

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