Revenge on the Ruby Crew

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E1965: (Spots a notification in her Wattpad account)(Calls to the Thea Sisters) Guys! We've got a dare! (Everyone approaches E1965)(Reads the dare and bursts out laughing) Good one, Jae! Good one!

Violet: What is it, E?

E1965: Jae just gave me the BEST DARE EVER!!!!

Everyone except E1965: WHAT?!

E1965: She says, "I dare the Thea Sisters to prank the Ruby Crew!"

Paulina: Best. Dare. EVER!!!

Everyone else: Let's do it!

Later, at Ruby's family villa...

Ruby: (Goes out to the abandoned pizzeria) What is with this letter the Thea Sisters gave me? (Reads the letter) "Go into the abandoned pizzeria and go into the party room." What sort of sick joke is this? (Looks into the abandoned pizzeria across the street (it's really that close))(Looks at the nasty and uncleaned pizzeria) Eew! Is this the right place? It's simply horrendous! (Walks to the stained map of the place)(Squints) How long has this place been here without someone to clean it? (The Thea Sisters show up behind Ruby)

Violet: Hey, Ruby.

Ruby: (Jumps up in (Turns around) Violet! Care to explain this?

Nicky: The neighborhood has been complaining of hauntings around here, and for this run, we decided to check it out, with you as our guest.

Ruby: But why, though?

Violet: We figured you needed to know what it was like in the field, so...

Ruby: (Sighs) Fine...

Nicky: Come on. (Walks down the hall with the others following closely behind)

Alicia: Ruby?

Ruby: (Whirls around to find the rest of the Ruby Crew behind her) What are you guys doing here?

Connie: We all received a note to come here! (Ruby glares at Paulina, who smiles and shrugs casually)

Nicky: Anyway...

A few minutes later...

Nicky: (Arrives at the party room) Finally. (Notices a shadowy figure wearing a security guard cap and with an axe in his hand)(To the figure) Hey! What are you doing here?! (The figure turns to look at her and holds the axe menacingly) This is private property, and I believe you don't have permission to come in he- (The figure suddenly grabs Nicky by the wrist and yanks her into the darkness) AAH!!! (Nicky screams in pain a moment later, causing the others to jump in shock)(The whole room suddenly turns dark, and silence reigns for a minute)

Paulina: Nicky! (Grabs her flashlight and turns it on, revealing Nicky on the floor, unconscious and bleeding with severe wounds)(Covers her mouth in shock as tears start forming in her eyes)

Violet: Nicky.... No!

Paulina: (Sees Maria talking to the figure in the spare parts closet, with an insanely tall animatronic moving closely behind Maria) Maria, look out! (A metal claw suddenly pops out of the animatronic, grabs Maria, and pulls her into the animatronic's exoskeleton)

Maria: AAAAHH!!!!

Paulina: NO!! (The figure looks at the animatronic, as another animatronic enters the room through the other door carrying Nicky in its arms)(Her eyes grow wide) HEY— (Pam covers Paulina's mouth and gestures for her to be quiet)(The figure walks out the door with the two animatronics in tow)

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