A Little Service Announcement

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E: Hey guys! E here, and before we continue with the normal groove of answering and doing questions and dares, we'd like to dedicate one to a dare given to us by Xia. Also Andrew's editing this video.

Andrew: Hey guys! It's Editor Andrew, and Xia dared E, Jae, and all our friends to uh... go to all the villains they know of and uh... ANYWAY THE DARE IS BASICALLY WHAT WE WANNA DO TO THE PEOPLE CAUSING A RIOT IN THE MIDDLE OF QUARANTINE! Look, we don't have the same problem as you guys over there, and we're all for racial equality, but even an impartial onlooker can say that... guys. Seriously. Just pay attention to what we do here, and PLEASE. Please do it. Anywaylet'sgo!

E: Wow, you're peeved at something you technically can't be a part of.

Andrew: It's like watching an unsatisfactory video, okay?!

E: Anyway we'd like to interrupt our normal episode style with a quick service announcement.

E: (While loading a spray bottle with water) This is a stupid idea, Xia.


E: (Violet helps everyone load their spray bottles) Even those who don't have to deal with this?

Xia: Yep!

E: (Sighs as Violet closes E's spray bottle) What have you been on these past few days?

Xia: The joy that is NO PAPERWORK!!!

E: You're milking it, I swear.

Viktorya: Well, this'll be fun at least!

Andrew: (Climbs onto E's head, all geared up with his own tiny spray bottles equipped on his mini-coat) Where're we going first?

E: (Picks up Andrew and brings him down to her eye level) Wait, we? You're staying here. It's dangerous to give powerful villains the squirty-squirts. It's dangerous for (Places a finger on Andrew's beak) you.

Andrew: Aw, (Moves E's finger away from his beak) but I wanna come!

E: No.

Andrew: Please?

E: No.

Andrew: (Puts on an adorable pleading face) Pweeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeeeeee???

E: ................. (Turns her head away from Andrew)(Strained) Dangit, why can't I say no to that face.

Andrew: Yay! (Squeezes himself out of E's grip and climbs back onto her head)

Jae: That's a very easy question to answer, E.

E: Hm?


Andrew: I'M NOT CUTE!!! Just look at (Assumes an elegant pose on E's head) this majestic refinement and you'll change your mind.

Xia: (E, Viktorya, Jae and Xia chuckle amusedly) Oh, Andrew... (Mutters so everyone else save Andrew would hear, to no avail) That attempt is a no-go. It only made him look cuter. (The others burst out laughing)

Andrew: HEY!!!

*I'm not cute I'm elegant*

E: Alright, Horikoshi's world is going first. Xia, you're going straight to Tartarus. Make sure it's an in-and-out thing, unless you want to leave the raid early because of a thousand rounds pumped into your guts. Tartarus is your domain, as long as you can get out intact.


E: Yes yes, now go. Overhaul's waiting.

Xia: (Makes a portal and runs through it) WOOOOOOOOOO!!! (The portal closes)

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