Getting Rid of Boredom

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Pam: We definitely have nothing to do.

E1965: Yeah. I got nothing. Wait... (Snaps her fingers) that's it!

The Thea Sisters, Jae, Gunter, and Lapis: What?

E1965: I dare the Thea Sisters, Jae, and Gunter to play Bendy and the Ink Machine, and I dare Lapis to play Bad Dog with me!

Violet: Whatever, E. At this point, we'd do anything to keep ourselves busy. (The Thea Sisters and Gunter walk to the gamer's room (where there are several computers, Xboxes, and consoles for them to play with))(E1965 slaps a pair of golden bracelets with an aquamarine set in either bracelet on Lapis's wrists)

Lapis: (Adjusts the bracelets)(To E1965) What's Bad Dog?

E1965: Hold on, I'll be right back. (Runs to her room and returns thirty seconds later, with a box in her hands) This is the Bad Dog board game! (Assembles the game) We'll take turns getting a card from the deck, and whatever amount and color bone is on the card, we'll have to get it, without pressing down on the dog dish too hard, otherwise the dog with bite at you, and you're out of the game. You'll have to use (Holds up a pair of cat claw-shaped tweezers) these to get the bones.

Lapis: Okay, I get that, but how do we put the dog to sleep? This dog already looks creepy. (E1965 twists the dog's head to the right, causing the dog's jowls to cover its eyes, and make it assume a sleeping position with a clicking sound) Oh.

E1965: Let's get started. (E1965 and Lapis play rock-paper-scissors, with E1965 playing rock, and Lapis playing paper) Okay, paper wraps rock, so you go first. (Shuffles the card deck, and Lapis chooses one card)

Lapis: Three red bones? (Grabs the tweezers and gently picks a red bone, and places the bone on her side) Why is this so intense?

E1965: You press on the dish's bottom too hard, and the dog will wake up.

Lapis: (Nervously) Okay. (Slowly rummages through the bones and grabs a red one)(A clicking sound coming from the dish's bottom is heard, making Lapis recoil) Is it still good?

E1965: Keep going!

Lapis: (Takes a deep breath) Easy does it. (Picks another red bone) Phew!

E1965: (Lapis hands her the tweezers) My turn. (Picks a card with one white bone) White. Too easy, man. (Hastily but carefully grabs a white bone)(Hands Lapis the tweezers) Your turn.

In the gamer's room...

Violet: (She and the others wear their headphones) Let's hope this isn't as boring as Flappy Bird. (Clicks on the "new game" button)(A letter appears on the screen)(After reading the letter) Let me guess, it's a bad idea to say "yes" to this invitation. (A long and dark hallway with posters on the walls appears on the screen)(Moves around while a voice is heard and its subtitle is shown at the bottom of the screen)

Nicky: Yep, looks like this is going to be boring. So much for the creepy intro.

Gunter: (Sees a projector and a cute (and creepy) devil cutout beside it) Wenk! (No, you guys, it is creepy!)

Paulina: Grow up, Gunter. It's not like anything is happening yet. (Moves down a hallway, and another cutout peeks at her from behind a wall)(Nervously) No, scratch what I just said. It's starting to get creepy.

Violet: (Walks into a room, to find a sentence "Who's laughing now?" on the wall, plus dripping ink and a drawing table) Black ink. That is spooky. (Walks into another room, to find a bizarre machine in the middle) What is this thing? (A new objective is seen on the lower-left corner of the screen) Okay, reactivate the machine. That should be easy. (Walks out to the hallway, to find another demon cutout at the end of it)(Nervously) I don't think that was there before. (Turns left, to find the room with the projector and the devil cutout) Back here. Hmm... (The lights in the gaming room suddenly go out)(Recoils in shock) AAH!! WHO HIT THE LIGHTS?!?! (Bites at her lip nervously) Urrrgghhh... I'm getting very nervous, you guys! (Walks to a room with a gear inside) One down... five to go... ugh... (Grabs the gear and walks down another hallway)

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