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                Everyone's in the plane, Violet's still unconscious, and Jae has a few tricks up her sleeve...

Jae: (In a whisper to Maxi and Jin) Come on! (Hides the parachute in a box of flares)

Maxi: Remind why we're doing this again.

Jae: A little something to persuade Violet into that skydive. (Hands Maxi and Jin a Bluetooth)

Jin: What are these for?

Jae: Communication that Violet won't understand, because she won't hear us, she'll only hear Maxi.

Maxi: Why me? (Jae groans in frustration)


Violet: (Wakes up) What the.... Where am I?

Jae: (Excitedly) In a plane!

Violet: And why are we in a plane?

Jae: I just thought of a dare!

E1965: Not so fast, Sam. To jog your memory, you've been showing me your list of ten dares ever since last month, and the one about Vi skydiving off a plane is the talk of your town!

Violet: Skydive off a plane?! ME!?! (Jae smiles maniacally and nods her head) No! No, no, no!! NO!!!

Ten minutes later...

Violet: (Looks down from the edge of the open door)(Nervously) Are you sure I have to do this?

Jin: Dare's a dare, Violet.

Violet: Nick, where's my parachute?

Nicky: I've been looking for it for forever! They're just not where I left it!

E1965: And that is...

Nicky: (Points at a bare shelf) On that shelf!

Pam: I'll help you look for it!

Nicky: Great! (To Violet) Give us some more time, Vi. We got this!

Violet: (Sighs in relief) Thank goodness! (Maxi sneaks up behind Violet)

Maxi: (To Jae, via the Bluetooth) Are you sure I have to do this?

Jae: (From the window seat behind Maxi)(Via the Bluetooth) Yeah. The best part of this is you get the easiest part. All you have to do is "push" Violet off the plane, and I'll handle the rest.

Maxi: Fine. (Sneaks up directly behind Violet, but Jae telekinetically trips Maxi, causing her to fall on Violet, making her almost fall off the plane) Whoa! (Maxi catches Violet at the last second)

Violet: Maxi.

Maxi: Yeah?

Violet: WHY AM I SLIPPING?!?!?!?!

Maxi: (To Jae) WHY DID YOU COAT MY HANDS IN OLIVE OIL?!?!?!? (Jae's halo reappears on her head)(E1965 and Nicky approach the edge of the door, openmouthed)

Violet: OLIVE OIL?!?!?!?! (Slips from Maxi's grasp) SHOOT!!!!!!

Jin: (To Jae) Dude, SHE DOESN'T HAVE A PARACHUTE!!!!!!

Jae: But you guys do!

Maxi: (Approaches Jae while wiping the olive oil off her hands) Why?

Jae: Time to join her!

Jin and Maxi: WHAT?!?!?

Nicky: Did you just knock Violet off the plane?! (Maxi points her thumb at Jae, halo and all)

E1965: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, JAE?!?!?! (Realizes Jae's cover is blown) CRUD.

Nicky: Jae?!?! (Turns to look at Jae, but she, along with Maxi and Jin, is gone)

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