Stupid Irrational Fears...

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E1965: (Walks into the kitchen) Okay, time for me to get (Notices a cockroach next to the sink) some... milk... (Nervously) Hey there, buddy. Nothing for you to see here. I'm just uh... getting something... (Tries to reach the cupboard on the other side of the sink) Nothing to see here. Just... do whatever you will, I'm not disturbing you. I'm not- (The cockroach suddenly flies a few inches next to E1965's arm)(Runs away, terrified) AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Nicky: (Enters the kitchen and sees E1965 running away) E? What the heck was that (Sees the cockroach) about... (To the cockroach) Okay, little guy. You better get going, will ya? You're scaring E off. Come on now. Off with you. (Telekinetically opens the door, and the cockroach flies out the door) And don't even think about sticking yourself on the wall! (Sighs) I swear, these cockroaches are gonna make E lose her sanity... (Grins evilly) About time I had my revenge from that time E tricked me into thinking she was drunk...


E1965: (To Paulina, who is still working on the computer, and Tails from the Sonic franchise, who is visiting to help her) How's it going?

Tails: Well, we haven't found the error yet, but we're getting there.

E1965: That's good progress already! Don't give up on that! In the meantime, I'm gonna get you guys a drink.

Tails: Sure! Thanks, E!

E1965: No problem. (Walks to the kitchen and opens a cabinet for snacks, to find a cockroach inside)(Jumps in surprise) Whoa, there! (Nervously) Uhh... can you uh... move a little bit there? I uhh... need to get somethi- (The cockroach suddenly flies towards E1965)(Jumps two meters back) AAAAHHH!!!! (The cockroach flies towards E1965 and lands smack on her glasses)(Falls to the floor from shock) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The cockroach suddenly starts laughing) Wh-what?

Nicky: (Transforms back to normal beside E1965 while laughing like crazy) Gotcha there, E!

E1965: What? (Groans in frustration) Oh, c'mon, man! You had me really well there! Well, at least it's just you. Now, speaking of which, I have to go and get Tails (Notices a cockroach sitting on Nicky's hand) a drink... (Starts backing away)

Nicky: Oh, come on, E! Hank just wants to have a bit of fun! ("Hank" starts flying at E1965)

E1965: (Scrambles to her feet and runs away) AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!!!!


Nicky: I can't believe you ran a whole block to get away from that cockroach!

E1965: (-_-) I can't help it, okay? There's just something about them that makes me want to run away from them like FNaF if you weren't glued to your seat.

Nicky: I know, but a whole block? Really, man?

E1965: (-_-) Why, though.

Nicky: Well, that's what you get for pulling the drunk E prank on me.

E1965: (Sighs) Fair enough.

A few minutes later...

E1965: (Talking to Violet and Andrew) And they just went running for the hills! You would not believe how fast they were running!

Andrew: (Laughs) Wow, they must've been really scared!

E1965: Yeah, and just because there was a Haunter right behind me at the time!


Tails: We're ready!

E1965: Okay, now here we go! Here's to hoping the firewall works!

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