We Kinda Destroyed a Dimension... So Oopsie

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Andrew: (While playing with a sleek silver Nintendo DS Lite) Come on, come on..... (Pumps his little flippers up in victory) YES!!!

E: (Looks over to Andrew's screen (I'm playing on my own black Nintendo DS Lite)) What happened?


E: (Grins) Just how long did it take you? An infinite amount of attempts and tears salty from Arm Thrust?

Andrew: (Swats E away) Hey! Don't get too cocky! I'm a Sinnoh native adjusting to Hoenn, okay?! It's not as easy as you make it!

Matthew: (He just came back from work in his smithy) From the looks of it, your battle with Brawly was not a Metal Sound victory. I bet I could Zubat better than you.

Andrew: (Cringes) Ugh! (Pushes Matthew's face away) With you Weezing those puns out, I think I'd rather have you keep your Yamper shut!

Matthew: Oh, come on! Don't be such a sore loser! Maybe I could give you a Helping Hand!

Andrew: Jeez! Have you even played a Pokémon game before?! I bet you'll be a Coalossal disaster on the Gameboy! Sinnoh, I am not accepting help from you!

Lily: (From her room) UGH!!! SHUT UP ALREADY!!!

Andrew: See, Matt? I bet Lily's experiencing phantom pain right now, and probably thanks to you, her Venusaur! (Turns to his game) Okay, no— are you kidding me?! It's pitch black in here! How am I supposed to find Steven?!

E: Mahahanap mo siya. Sa may Kanto lang siya, oh! (You'll find him. He's just at the corner!)(She and Andrew stare at each other for a bit, before the two of them burst out laughing)

Orchid: (Irritated) Oh my ***...

Viktorya: You guys are on a roll, aren't you?

E: (Three microchips suddenly appear on the coffee table) Huh? Oh, we've got a set of stuff here.

Orchid: What're those for?

E: Dares we get from our audience. (Saves her game, sets her DS down, and inserts one of the microchips into the holographic communicator)(A message is displayed from the communicator)

Orchid: Whoa! I was not expecting that, to be honest.

E: From Red and White...

Orchid: Wha— my cousins?!

E: "Orchid, you'd better be honest about this, how much do you miss your gf?"

Orchid: WHA—

E: "And a little note: don't even think about crying or singing." Orchid... what are your cousins talking about?

Orchid: (Glares at the message) Don't even get me started on that. I... (Pauses for a while and sighs) ... miss her a lot. That's putting it very lightly.

Andrew: Wait... what do they mean by— (E rapidly pins Andrew's beak shut)

E: (To Orchid) I know you heard him, but please don't taint the cinnamon roll...

Orchid: (Turns to E with a raised eyebrow) Sure...

E: (Snaps the fingers on her free hand, and the chips get switched, and a new message appears on the holographic communicator and Andrew pries E's fingers off his beak) Alright, from Felix, "I dare Orchid to show her full power. Good luck not destroying half of E's world." And... (Switches out the chip with the last one) From Rhea, Ritchie, and Rich, "I dare Orchid to show the others her Astral form." Uhh.... I can't refuse, but I'm also not comfortable with this...

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