This is Probably Illegal

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Lillian: (Glides on the ice gleefully) Wee! This is fun!

Breeze: Gotta admit, this is pretty fun.

Asai: (Performs a quick, playful pas de deux with Lillian) You say as you sit on your cloud without actually skating on the ice.

Breeze: I mean watching you guys doing this stuff!

Lucia: You're welcome for the entertainment! Now let's try— (A very loud bang interrupts him)(Lucia and Asai swivel their heads towards the source of the sound, to find a very irritated E and a broken door behind her)

E: Someone's... IN TROUBLE.

*Oh sNAP*

At the house...

Paulina: (Passes by the living room and sees some microchips on the coffee table) Huh, guess we forgot to finish some of these. (Reaches to insert a chip inside the communicator, only to find a chip already inside) What the... (Removes and reinserts the chip in the communicator, and a holographic message appears) Oh, okay. From @Xx_Xilene_xX , I dare you to put Vi under a very realistic illusion of her on great heights until she gives up. Not sure if that's gonna work well after E's exposure therapy, but uh... I guess?

One illusion prank later...

Paulina: (Chuckles)(To Violet, who is shaking like a rattler on the couch) Have you learned nothing from our training?

Violet: Q-quiet you... fears don't go away that easily...

Paulina: (Laughs as she pats Violet on the back comfortingly) Putting you on top of a burning Burj Khalifa was probably overkill, huh?

Violet: Y-yeah... N-nothing b-but h-hard s-sand at the b-bottom... 828 m-meters o-off the g-ground...... a-anyone s-stupid enough to f-fall from th-that height w-would d-d-die... (Paulina laughs and continues to comfort Violet)

Paulina: Well, might as well clear up some of these things here, huh? (Inserts the chip she was going to insert, revealing a new dare) Oh, this one's from Viktorya. (You know, Vik, you can just straight-up tell us about your dares...) I dare you to turn the Thea Sisters into humans until the issue is solved. Wait, what? What issue? Is it about Orchid, Viktorya? That's personal matters that we can't intrude on, and— wait, WHAT?!?! (Colored smoke suddenly engulfs the room)

Violet: Not again...

Paulina: (The smoke clears, and Paulina and Violet notice their human forms) Well, I mean, it's not so bad.

Violet: Yeah. I kinda expected that out of your human form.

Paulina: Same goes with you. (An awkward silence reigns between the two, until the two realize something) Our snouts are kinda gone...

Violet: And we have an extra finger to deal with...

Paulina: And we're barefoot...

Violet: I mean, to be fair, the barefoot one isn't too big an issue. It's the extra fingers and toes.

Paulina: Honestly, I don't think we'll even have too much trouble with that one.

In Orchid's room...

Orchid: (Tries to fight the oncoming flow of tears) ... L-look, th-things have been hard, alright? I-I mean... Artemis... Grandma Lotus... Wh-why did I do that?! I-I could've... I could've... (Lucille hugs her) N-now I bet my mother hates me... and my brother... why couldn't I get him to come back? I just want to... I just want... I just want to make up for everything that happened because of me... (Tears stream down Orchid's face as Lucille comforts her)

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