Another Service Announcement, Typhoon Edition

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Violet: (Yawns as she rubs her eyes) What a night...

Colette: Yeah... I might have to put on a cucumber mask later just to lessen the eye bags...

Nicky: This new typhoon is no joke... what's its name again?

Paulina and E: Ulysses.

Nicky: Yeah....

Matt: Well, I guess that means no one's going out today,

Lily: Unless you want a second bath in dirty rainwater.

Matt: Wait, what.

Pam: Yeah. The floods around here are up to our chest, and in your case, it means you'll be swimming in gross rainwater just to get to your shop, which is probably flooded.

Ezra: Are you serious??

Lily: Mhm.

Ezra: Wow.... that's some storm out there...

Matt: (Sighs) Yeah...

E: You just gotta hope nothing gets swept away. Nothing too important, at least.

Matt: Yeah... I might lose a couple stuff, if not find the shop in shambles when I get back.

E: Well, it's inevitable, with a signal 3 typhoon like Ulysses. If anything, I didn't expect anything less.

Lily: Yep. (An awkward silence reigns)

E: (Looks around) Where's Andrew?

Matt: He's in our room. Why?

E: This is a late time to wake up, even for a late riser like Andrew... (Walks up the stairs to Matt and Andrew's room) I'll go check on him.

Pam: You sure you can't just... you know, stop the typhoon or something, Vi?

Violet: It's a big typhoon, so it's definitely beyond my capabilities. It's more than I'd be able to handle. And besides the fact that raindrops take more effort to control than lakes or seas (because raindrops are separate individuals compared to lakes, which I can pass off and control as pretty much one entity); there's the clouds, wind, and a lot of other factors I'll have to deal with if I hypothetically try to stop it.

Nicky: I mean, you're not wrong there.

Violet: Then there's also the fact that everyone will find it suspicious that Yolanda's reincarnation just suddenly decided to stop. It could blow our cover as the elementals—

Paulina: Which is the opposite of what we want.

Violet: The only thing I can do that wouldn't be too obvious is to help the water flow into the sewage drains around here, unclog the drains when needed, and make sure none of the water enters our house. And maybe help a person or two who is trying not to drown in the stuff without making it obvious.

In Matt and Andrew's room...

E: (Opens the door softly, to find Andrew lying down in bed) Andrew? You awake, buddy? (Andrew doesn't respond for a moment, and eventually turns to face E, showing his deep eye bags)

Andrew: Yeah...

E: Holy— did you not sleep at all last night?

Andrew: No...

E: Was the storm really that loud?

Andrew: I-it's not that.... I'm just.... I'm scared... (E sits down next to Andrew)

E: You know that none of the windows—

Andrew: Yeah, I know that physically, I am perfectly safe, but....

E: But?

Andrew: ... I'm scared for our neighbors... the people who aren't living in a house that is essentially indestructible because of magic. I-I mean... you heard those sounds coming from outside... right?

E: The sheet metal sounds?

Andrew: Y-yeah! Every time I hear it, I can't help but imagine that someone's wall or roof is getting blown over... especially in the poorer areas... y'know? I-I'm not worried about us not being okay... I'm worried about other people not being okay...

E: Awh... (Picks up Andrew and hugs him) I thought it was about you being paranoid about the typhoon... you're always so selfless... (Looks Andrew in the eye comfortingly) How about when all this blows over, we go visit the evacuation camps and give them a little something to make their lives a little more okay? Sound good?

Andrew: (Sniffles and wipes his tears) Y-yeah... sounds good.


Lily: So he didn't sleep at all last night?

E: Yeah. (Looks down on her lap and pats a sleeping Andrew who is latched to her stomach (like a sloth—)) He was worried about the others who aren't faring as well as we are with Ulysses going "Here's Johnny" out there.

Matt: Aww... he's always thinking of others... can't say I didn't expect it from someone who used to work in the medical field to a certain degree, but it's always so sweet of him.

E: He's an innocent child always looking to help... We have a stash of canned food in the pantry, right?

Pam: Yeah. A lot of canned sardines. The only times we've ever cooked them was when you and Matt were craving...

E: When did we buy those?

Pam: Uhh... (Scratches her head) a month or two ago, I think?

Ezra: Why're you askin', E?

E: Well....

E: Hey, guys. It's Editor E here, and I hope you Filipino viewers are safe and sound in your homes and are not fighting the typhoon's insane conditions. I know Ulysses is going pretty crazy right now, but we can power through this. We powered through Yolanda and the more-than-twenty typhoons a year every year, so we can power through this one. Just stay strong, mga madlang people. (And also R.I.P Showtime.) As for those who are viewing from other countries, stay strong, stay alive, and stay at home, until COVID completely blows over. Alright, this is Editor E signing out. We've got a lot of cans to pack up.

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