An Elaborate Excuse to Give Vi a Dragon Pet

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Gunter: I dare you to race against Hiccup in a dragon race!

Violet: How am I going to do that without a dragon? Wait, I have an idea! (Flings a blast of ice at the road to her side, and the blast materializes into a life-size sculpture of an oriental dragon made of ice and snow) How's that?

Paulina: Nice, but isn't that thing going to melt?

Violet: Not while I have powers! Oh, and I almost forgot. (Summons her aura to form an oriental dragon (imagine Po's chi dragon, only that it's blue) and sends it into the dragon sculpture, bringing the sculpture to life)

Gunter: By the way, I told Elsa to meet you in Berk, at the dragon all-you-can-eat station.

Violet: Thanks, Gunter.

Gunter: No probs. (Murmurs to himself) Also, prepare to do something crazy when you return with defeat!

Violet: (Casually) What did you say?

Gunter: Oh, nothing!

Violet: Okay... (Rides her dragon and opens a portal to Berk)

Pam: (Runs to Violet while carrying a small box) Hey, Vi. Don't you want to have a Dark Bark Bar? This month's shipment of Cocoa Loco's chocolates had just come in!

Violet: No thanks, but I think (Grabs a Dark Bark Bar (from The Chocolate Sabotage) from the box) I could get one for an old friend of mine.

Pam: Whatever you say!

Paulina: (Peers into the box) There are even pieces of "Pam's Chocolate Surprise" in here!

Pam: That reminds me of the best day I ever had.

Violet: Anyway, sayonara! (To her dragon) Come on, Sleet. Let's get going to Berk! (Flies Sleet into the portal, and finds herself in Berk's racetrack)(To herself) Now this is a racetrack.

Sleet: You can say that again.

Violet: (Looks at Sleet with a shocked look on her face) Okay, I did not expect this when I brought this guy to life. Yeah. Shall we get a little warm-up snack for the race?

Sleet: Sure, and I know where to get it! (Flies to the dragon all-you-can-eat station, where Elsa, Hiccup, Jack, Merida (of DunBroch), and Astrid are waiting with their dragons)

Violet: How did he know where to go so quickly? He's never even been here before! Anyway... (To Hiccup) Looks like you brought your friends along for the race.

Hiccup: Of course! Didn't you challenge all of us?

Violet: Uh, of course! Oh, Gunter...

Elsa: You said you wanted me to meet you here?

Violet: Oh, yeah! (Tosses her chocolate bar to Elsa) I figured you would want to taste this.

Elsa: Thanks!

Violet: If you don't like bitter chocolate, you might have to add sugar, or salt.

Elsa: I'll give it a try back at the Pavilion.

Violet: (Looks at Elsa and Jack's dragons) Where did you get those dragons?

Jack: We made them. Aren't they neat? Mine is named Blizzard, and Elsa's is Snowflake.

Elsa: (Tucks the bar in her dragon's saddle's pocket) I named her after her wings, which look like snowflakes.

Violet: (Looks at Snowflake's wings) Yeah, they really do look like snowflakes. (Looks around) Where's Rapunzel? (Rapunzel flies in on the back of a multicolored dragon)

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