Cue the Creepy Ghost Noises

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Pam: Jae, are sure you're okay here?

Jae: Yep! I'm staying here! Have fun in Baguio!

E1965: Will do!

Jae: Bring me a souvenir, will ya?

Half a road trip later...

E1965: (Jumps off the van) Let's take a break here, shall we?

Paulina: Sure!

Violet: This is an eerie place, and it's so full of history! World War II, right?

E1965: An old slaughterhouse from the Japanese colonization era!

Pam: (Looks at the old manor) This is a detour, right?

Nicky: It is, although I didn't expect it to be here. Pam, do you have a screwdriver?

Pam: I'll check. (Searches her bag and reunites with her group with a screwdriver in hand)

Violet: Thanks, Pam. (Pam gives her the screwdriver, and Violet uses the screwdriver to pick the door's lock)(The door opens after a little while) Come on! (Everyone enters the slaughterhouse)

Everyone: (The doors suddenly slam shut) AAAH!

Pam: (Runs to the door and tries to push it open) It's jammed! (Swords and guns fly in the air, around the chandelier) Uh... oh... (A sword suddenly tries to stab her) AAAH!!!

E1965: SPLIT UP!!! (Drags Pam into the study)(Nicky and Violet go to the bathroom, and Colette and Paulina go to the kitchen)(Slams the study door shut)

Pam: Are we safe in here?

E1965: For now. (Hovers in the air) Whoa! (A bayonet appears under her feet) Oh no. Oh no! No no no no no no no no!

Pam: E! (E1965 suddenly falls flat on the bayonet)

E1965: AAGH!!!

Pam: NO!!! (Runs up to E1965, who is lying lifelessly on the floor)(Gently shakes E1965's shoulder) E? E! Wake up! (E1965 stirs) Wait, E? (E1965 opens her now lifeless eyes, slowly stands with the bayonet still impaled in her chest, and stares blankly into the nothingness in front of her) E? (Creepy music starts playing)(Stares in the same direction E1965 is facing and takes a few steps in front of E1965) E? You okay there, buddy? (Turns to E1965) E- (Discovers E1965 is gone) E?

Nicky and Violet: (From the bathroom) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Pam: (Runs into the scene and turns the lights on) Violet! Nick! What is going o- (Finds Violet dead in the bathtub, and blood dripping out of her side and the left side of her forehead) AAAAAAHHHH!!!! (E1965 pops up from one side)

E1965: (Playfully) So, I see you've met my little toys. Let's play a game, shall we?

Pam: Can I say no?

E1965: (Smiles like a serial killer) Why not? What's wrong with a little playtime? (Little children with tattered clothes and rotting bodies surround Pam)

Pam: Wh-wh-what are those th-th-things?!

Child 1: Are you a bad person? (The lights flicker)

Pam: No I'm not!

Child 2: But you look like a bad person! You stay away from my sister, or else! (Holds up a dirty knife)

Pam: U-uh... (The second child suddenly tries to stab her)(Runs away) AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

At the kitchen...

Pam: (Runs into the kitchen) I hope I lost them.

E1965: You haven't lost me at all.

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