Laxus x Reader

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                                                                               *Laxus POV*

I was sitting with the Thunder Legion on the first floor. They were trying to convince me to ask y/n out. No one would really think that I would like anyone, but I do, and it's her. I really like her, maybe even love. But, she would never like me back. She's that type of girl who will hurt anyone who messes with her guild, and I almost killed some of the members. She could never like me because of that.

"-XUS!! LAXUS!!!!" Evergreen yelled.

"What" I grumbled.

"Just ask her out, the worse that can happen is that she will say no, and no, is just a word!"

"It's not that easy, she wouldn't like me anyway because of what I did."

"Have you asked her?"


"Just ask her if she's mad at you. If not than confess. If she is, than apologize. So yes, it is that easy."

"Huh, I guess I never really thought about that. I'll try it, but I swear, if this goes wrong, I blame you."

"Ya ya just go." She said while practically pushing me out of my seat.

"I'm going, I'm going sheesh."

I started going up the stairs to the second floor, which is where y/n was. When I saw her I immediately started getting nervous about this, and was debating on going back down.

"Oh, hey Laxus." Y/n said and smiled. Her smile made me blush a little, but remained calm.

"Too late to go back now." I thought.

"Hey y/n." I said calmly.

"So do you need something, or are you just here for a job?" She asked.

"I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Oh ok what is it?" She asked while tilting her head.

"Dang she's cute." I thought.

"I wanted to know if you're mad at me or something."

"No, why would I be?"

"For what I did to Fairy Tail. You can't expect me to believe you're not the slightest bit upset or angry with me."

"Ya sure I was before, but I know that you regret doing it right?"

"Of course I do, it was one of the worst decisions that I've ever made."

"Than that's all I need to know." She smiled brightly. Which made me blush brightly.

"Thanks y/n"

"If she's not then confess" Evergreen's statement replayed in my head. "I guess it's now or never huh?"

"There's something else I wanted to tell you."

"What is it?"

I sighed before saying what I've wanted to for a long time now, "I love you y/n."

Her eyes widened, and I looked to the ground.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, but didn't bother to look up. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up only to be met with a pair of lips on mine. Y/n's lips. I was so happy, that nothing would be able to describe how happy I was. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed back. Once we pulled away she said what I've been wanting to hear for so long now.

"I love you to Laxus."

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